I came up with this idea for an Ages hack a few days ago, so it takes place after the OoA+S storylines and has serveral new characters and bosses although till I figure out how to implement them I'll be using the default characters. Anyways the story:
After stopping Ganon in Labrynna/Holodrum and saving both lands, Link decided to return to Hyrule but instead it seemed the Triforce had one more task for him and whisked him away to another land. As Link woke up bewildered as to where he was, stranded on an island in the middle of an ocean that seemed endless. After exploring this small island, he spots a man fishing who seems surprised at Link's appearance, asking what's someone like Link doing all the way out here. As Link explains his story of how he got here, the man introduces himself to be Brine a fisherman from Solé Island to the north of this small island and is one of the many islands in the Calien Ocean. Brine then suggests Link should come along too since there is an oracle on the island named Medina who may be able to help him...
*New Features*
-New Overworld, Calien Ocean
-New Characters
-New Dungeons, such as the Pirate's Hideout
-Same time travel gimmick from Ages but implemented in a different way story-wise.
Here's an updated overworld, now with 23 maps total. Some new areas are the Pirate's Base at the top which I may change since it looks a bit plain, and then there is the updated Solé Island which contains Brine's house in the center, the oracle's house(red roof), a shop and a shop that makes rafts.

Solé Island *New*

Starting Isle

This is an update for maps, I know there are some border errors, I'll get to fixing those when I find some time. Also I'm more the likely to change the Pirate's Base since it looks a bit plain and not really pirate-y. Also Solé Island has been changed to accommodate the town. Incase anyone is wondering, the treasure chests on the island contain a sword while the other a mermaid suit which is going to be changed to Zora Flippers. Of course these are placed there for me to test out maps and will be given out other ways in a beta whenever that happens. =P
Any comments and suggestions are appreciated.
That's all for know! =D