Title: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26.1 Released! Post by: Lin on June 21, 2010, 06:49:40 PM ZOLE 4 has been released. The most up-to-date version is 1.26.1. Download it here: http://zeldahacking.ulmb.com/ZOLE%204.zip.
In the future, you may or may not see it at the following locations: This Forum (http://zeldahacking.net) RHDN (http://www.romhacking.net) ZOLE's Blog (http://zeldahacking.blogspot.com) This means all other released are frauds or rip-offs. Only download it from the sites listed above, and on RHDN, my name is Lin. ~Lin Title: Re: ZOLE 4 - Version 1.03 Released! Post by: Lin on June 28, 2010, 09:25:44 AM ZOLE has been released! Let me know of any bugs.
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 - Version 1.03 Released! Post by: Fatories on June 28, 2010, 11:48:40 AM Curse you Lin! Releasing this while I was sleeping and on that day that I graduate!! But then again thank you so much for releasing this!! :)
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 - Version 1.03 Released! Post by: Klavice on June 28, 2010, 04:15:31 PM Nice looking tool. I've been anticipating this for all the years of my life since 2000 when I got my copy of the Oracle games.
You don't suppose you could add compatability for Link's awakening in a future release to replace that tool you made for it, do you? Title: Re: ZOLE 4 - Version 1.03 Released! Post by: Cdi-Link on June 28, 2010, 07:50:00 PM Love it... Just a suggestion though, I found that this doesn't work with a few roms, I had to try five different ones to get it to work. .. You might want to post that or put it in the read-me! (If you haven't already)
Awesome program though. Great Work. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 - Version 1.03 Released! Post by: fauxrage on June 28, 2010, 08:22:51 PM I had a similar problem with the program, make sure in the properties of the ROM file, the "read only" setting is UNCHECKED. :D thats what got me,
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 - Version 1.04 Released! Post by: Lin on June 28, 2010, 11:07:11 PM Alright, version 1.04 released. Includes a bugfix with type 6 interactions and on the bottom it shows your mouse position of the map.
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.04 Released! Post by: Fatories on June 28, 2010, 11:13:33 PM Thank you for the mouse position, it makes things a lot easier for me. :)
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.04 Released! Post by: Fatories on June 28, 2010, 11:38:10 PM You know this is really pointless and doesn't affect ZOLE in anyway, but in the read me it says "Note: As of this release (1.03)..."
Just thought I'd mention that. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.04 Released! Post by: Jayden on June 29, 2010, 04:18:26 AM Amazing. :)
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.04 Released! Post by: Lin on June 29, 2010, 06:58:25 AM Version 1.05 released. Thanks to Mue for pointing out a bug. (Woops at original name mistake!)
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.06 Released! Post by: Lin on June 30, 2010, 12:40:46 AM Version 1.06 released. Another bug fix with deleting interactions and those unwanted ones popping up.
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.07 Released! Post by: Lin on July 03, 2010, 11:47:16 PM Version 1.07. Update log from ReadMe:
Many new things. For one, fixed the real interaction bug claimed to be fixed before (hopefully). Created a secondary map script chooser, a tree top chooser, and edited an ASM script to remove that map glitching that would rarely occur. These can be (and I recommend doing so) added by clicking on the ASM button. Patches include a new one that allows crystal switches to work properly in any dungeon. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.08 Released! Post by: Lin on August 23, 2010, 02:11:05 AM Version 1.08. Update log from ReadMe:
Fixed a structure error for interaction type 9, which is probably why the "fixed" interaction bug as stated above was occurring. There is also new Seasons stuff that never got finished in the construction to make ZOLE edit Seasons, and in that, all tilesets load properly now. Sorry for the HUGE delay on updates guys. I'm feeling really motivated to continue working on ZOLE, so hopefully things will be like they were in the past. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.08 Released! Post by: Fatories on August 25, 2010, 08:05:23 PM I am most glad to hear this, I may have to make my return to the ZOLE hacking community soon :D
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.08 Released! Post by: dotcomw00t on August 26, 2010, 05:22:50 PM i'm new here and i have a question.
when i load the rom (ages.gbc) it comes a report zole has crashed, and sometimes ''bad tiles'' any idea? maybe wrong rom? Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.08 Released! Post by: Jandazekon on August 26, 2010, 06:15:16 PM maybe wrong rom? Use this rom: Legend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Ages (USA).gbc Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.08 Released! Post by: dotcomw00t on August 29, 2010, 02:47:34 PM maybe wrong rom? Use this rom: Legend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Ages (USA).gbc Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.09 Released! Post by: Lin on October 18, 2010, 06:29:34 AM Version 1.09. Update log from ReadMe:
Static objects, 30 chests per overworld, and once again, a fix for that said interaction bug. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.1 Released! Post by: Lin on October 19, 2010, 06:13:24 AM Version 1.1. Update log from ReadMe:
Palette importing/exporting and a minor bug fix. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.11 Released! Post by: Lin on October 22, 2010, 10:45:00 PM Version 1.11. Update log from ReadMe:
Ability to drag and select tiles in the tileset, edit room (palette) transitions, and edit area properties (flags, the dungeon a tileset has). Also, fixed the ASM event (type 1 interacion) to have the proper name and made it so you can't search map scripts on map 0. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.11 Released! Post by: Supreme Dirt on October 24, 2010, 03:28:03 PM YES, Static Objects.
YES, more chests. YES, room transitions. Is there a fix for blade traps stopping at a room's centre yet? Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.11 Released! Post by: Lin on October 24, 2010, 09:03:02 PM No, that's based on their code. There isn't really anything I can do for that.
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.11 Released! Post by: Lin on October 31, 2010, 04:29:31 AM Version 1.12. Update log from ReadMe:
Added an editor to edit where you go when you get the essence in a dungeon. Also made it so the transition and are property editor windows don't show in the taskbar. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.11 Released! Post by: Christian on November 08, 2010, 01:02:12 AM Keep up the great work Lin. ZOLE will become very popular. Glad this project is still being worked on.
How about you get a team so that development time will go faster and much organized. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.11 Released! Post by: Lin on November 08, 2010, 03:34:03 AM Two problems with that: One, I like to work alone on projects like these. Two, nobody else but Jigglysaint actually knows anything about these games that'll help. Dwedit could, but I'm pretty sure I've implemented everything into ZOLE he had on his viewer except the cutscene viewer which I view as worthless.
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.11 Released! Post by: Toob on November 08, 2010, 10:20:58 PM Lin, I just want to say that I am grateful for the effort that you put into making this editor. I really appreciate it. And I hope that you go far with this project.
Do you have any creative ideas ahead of what to do with the program? Are you planning to create a third Oracle game in the series? Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.13 Released! Post by: Lin on January 11, 2011, 01:43:49 AM Version 1.13. Update log from ReadMe:
Added an enemy editor. Also fixed a palette file (major) bug and some other bug. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.14 Released! Post by: Lin on January 20, 2011, 02:43:30 AM Version 1.14. Update log from ReadMe:
Added a tileset editor. Also, the download link has been temporarily changed to a MediaFire download. Be sure to back up your ROM as well, as heavy assembly changes were added. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.14.1 Released! Post by: Lin on January 20, 2011, 03:33:09 AM Version 1.14.1. Update log from ReadMe:
Added an undo/redo option to the tileset editor. Also fixed a major bug. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.14.2 Released! Post by: Lin on January 20, 2011, 04:09:49 AM Version 1.14.2. Update log from ReadMe:
Fixed a small bug with tileset editing. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.14.3 Released! Post by: Lin on January 20, 2011, 06:24:29 AM Version 1.14.3. Update log from ReadMe:
Fixed a bug with tileset's history overloading. Also fixed Seasons loading. This will be the last update of the night. Any bugs, oh well. They will be fixed tomorrow. However it's unlikely there are any. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.14.4 Released! Post by: Lin on January 21, 2011, 01:07:14 AM Version 1.14.4. Update log from ReadMe:
Fixed an annoying error with loading tilesets passed 102 and other bad tilesets. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.14.5 Released! Post by: Lin on January 21, 2011, 02:59:01 AM Version 1.14.5. Update log from ReadMe:
Added the ability to copy tiles in the tileset editor. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.14.6 Released! Post by: Lin on January 22, 2011, 03:17:47 AM Version 1.14.6. Update log from ReadMe:
Fixed a bug with adding interactions. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.15 Released! Post by: Lin on January 24, 2011, 02:25:32 AM Version 1.15. Update log from ReadMe:
Added a Launch menu capable of launching all the other ZOxx programs. Also fixed some assembly stuff to make crashes and map load errors less likely. Finally, fixed a chest loading bug with an unknown cause from the 30 chests patch. Not from the log, but I also made it so ZOLE ignores any DPI settings to prevent things from messing up. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.16 Released! Post by: Lin on February 07, 2011, 01:54:34 AM Version 1.16. Update log from ReadMe:
Fixed an "Unmapped" bug with Ages and removed hardcoded dungeon indexes for static objects. They now load from the area header properly. Also added the following to Seasons support: Tilesets all load properly, different seasons work, full map viewing, no more "pause" or double-loading of maps, and music loading. Also added some separate GUI stuff between the two. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.17 Released! Post by: Lin on February 09, 2011, 05:03:27 AM Version 1.17. Update log from ReadMe:
Fixed a bug with Ages decompressing. Also added the extending of the Seasons ROM, decompressing of the maps, and ability to edit the maps. Also added the ability to save the music index, area index, and area data in Seasons. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.18 Released! Post by: Lin on February 13, 2011, 04:05:28 AM Version 1.18. Update log from ReadMe:
Added the ability to view and edit interactions, warps, and chest data for Seasons. Also fixed a few ZOLE-sided bugs and patched up the GUI. Finally, fixed 3 major bugs within the ROM, which were the Subrosia overworld maps not coming up, Level 6 being glitched, and animal maps not showing up. The Great Moblin event's after-maps are still broken, but will be fixed via patch in a future version. Also added type 5 interaction reading and including ZOTE. Also, this isn't mentioned in the ReadMe, but you need to grab a fresh ROM. The decompression format greatly changed and ZOLE and the ROM will be messed up if you don't. Also new assembly is added and there is currently no way to re-patch after the ROM has been extended. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.18 Released! Post by: Tiger21820 on February 13, 2011, 04:05:49 PM Awsome! So will I have to get a new Ages ROM too, or does this only apply to seasons? :001_unsure:
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.18 Released! Post by: Lin on February 13, 2011, 06:47:16 PM Awsome! So will I have to get a new Ages ROM too, or does this only apply to seasons? :001_unsure: Only to Seasons.Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.18 Released! Post by: Lin on February 14, 2011, 01:24:06 AM Version 1.19. Update log from ReadMe:
Added a palette editor, miniboss portal editor, gale seed editor, start editor, dungeon room arranger, and patch to remove the beginning locks. Also added the ability to re-set assembly patches. Fixed an issue with adding interactions dealing with space and renamed the type 5 interaction. Also updated ZOCF (included) to support Seasons and fixed a bug dealing with the second group of unmapped maps. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.20 Released! Post by: Lin on February 15, 2011, 03:10:12 AM Version 1.20. Update log from ReadMe:
Fixed a bug with map clearing, did a minor change with how interactions are saved, and added 2 new Seasons patches. Also included the ZOSE documentation. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.21 Released! Post by: Lin on February 20, 2011, 04:31:43 AM Version 1.21. Update log from ReadMe:
Added some interaction adding protection. Also some big updates for ZOSE, including new opcodes, more memory addresses in documentation, and some file stuff. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.21.1 Released! Post by: Lin on February 20, 2011, 08:12:47 PM Version 1.21.1. Update log from ReadMe:
Fixed something for the interaction fix. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.21.2 Released! Post by: Lin on February 20, 2011, 10:32:59 PM Version 1.21.2. Update log from ReadMe:
Added even more protection to fully squash the interaction flooding bug. Also fixed an issue where space finding was one byte short. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.21.3 Released! Post by: Lin on February 23, 2011, 12:52:24 AM Version 1.21.3. Update log from ReadMe:
Actually made package 1.21 include the latest version of ZOSE instead of 1.01. Also fixed a bug with saving side warps. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.22 Released! Post by: Lin on April 04, 2011, 02:08:34 AM Version 1.22. Update log from ReadMe:
Fixed a bug with chest loading left over from very before ZOLE 1.03, added sign editing to Ages, and updated the credits. Yes, signs have finally been added. They barely took a small fraction of a day to add, so I guess I could've added them earlier. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.23 Released! Post by: Lin on May 01, 2011, 01:10:26 AM Version 1.23. Update log from ReadMe:
Added a feature to back up ROMs and decompress a tileset after setting its 3 main values that used to be editable. ZOSE and ZOTE are now zipped with their original files. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.23 Released! Post by: Zeemis on May 06, 2011, 04:35:34 PM Hi Lin, this is Zeemis over at Rom Hacking and I was wondering if you were still considering using the logo's I made?
You mentioned you'd get to them later, however, that was quite some time ago and quite a few versions ago. If there is something wrong with them I can change them up; if you just don't want to use them then I understand. (http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/2084/zole.png) (http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/9707/zole1.png) Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.24 Released! Post by: Lin on July 05, 2011, 11:49:16 PM Version 1.24. Update log from ReadMe:
Added dungeon minimap editing. Also a few other minor changes. Note: You need to update the GBHL.DLL file you use with the one I included in the zip. Without it ZOLE will not function properly. However, use the old GBHL.DLL file for all the other tools. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.25 Released! Post by: Lin on July 13, 2011, 04:06:56 AM Version 1.25. Update log from ReadMe:
Added an option to repoint interactions. Also changed the "Unknown" in the dungeon minimap editor to "Key". Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26 Released! Post by: Lin on December 10, 2011, 09:15:37 PM Version 1.26. Update log from ReadMe:
Fixed the random map garbage tiles and crash assembly bugs, added Fatories's well-deserved spot to the Credits menu, and changed the "Unknown" value in the Warp Editor to "Entry". ZOLE 4 now requires GBHL 1.1, which all tools but ZOTE run off of (ZOTE still requires the original DLL in its directory). Oh, and make sure you click the "Re-apply ASM patches" in ZOLE, save, and do the same thing in ZOSE afterwards. Also be sure to back up your ROM in case something goes bad ;) Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26 Released! Post by: Count SymphoniC on December 17, 2011, 09:50:38 PM Alot of people have been waiting for an editor for the oracle series for a long time... I'm one of these people and I really gotta hand it to you Lin, you and those who've assisted you, have put in an exceptional amount of work into this editor. It's awesome to see people utilize their talents in ways everyone can enjoy, that's why I registered to this forum, so I can let you know that I support what you're doing, and to cheer you on. I look forward to seeing future releases from you.
:thumbup1: Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26 Released! Post by: Kishin on January 06, 2012, 08:30:55 PM Lin's a great coder, for damn sure. sure when he first released Zole, it was a buggy mess with no seasons support, but hey, look at it now. the work of a smart guy = Zole.
oh, and this is also a post to say i'm coming back and have a new PC. ;p Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26 Released! Post by: Lin on January 07, 2012, 12:20:00 AM Lin's a great coder, for damn sure. sure when he first released Zole, it was a buggy mess with no seasons support, but hey, look at it now. the work of a smart guy = Zole. Thanks, I appreciate it. Be sure to join the IRC (irc.caffie.net #ZOLE) and show your hack's progress :)oh, and this is also a post to say i'm coming back and have a new PC. ;p Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26 Released! Post by: Kishin on February 04, 2012, 07:47:02 PM unfortunately, i lost EVERYTHING when my old PC crashed. damn thing died before i could even back anything up. :/ power surges are a major bitch.
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26 Released! Post by: Lin on February 12, 2012, 09:55:59 PM Version 1.26.1. Update log from ReadMe:
Fixed an issue with saving tileset edits on past tilesets and updated the ZOSE.html file to the correct one. I know I said I abandoned ZOLE, but someone decided to use it and encountered a bug that required fixing. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26.1 Released! Post by: Qactis on February 13, 2012, 07:37:18 PM Thanks for fixing that bug, you'll see why it was important very soon
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26.1 Released! Post by: iago92 on February 12, 2014, 01:36:54 PM Can you re-up the last version (1.26.1)?
Please! Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26.1 Released! Post by: Lin on February 12, 2014, 10:33:23 PM Can you re-up the last version (1.26.1)? http://zeldahacking.net/downloads/ZOLE%204.zip SorryPlease! Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26.1 Released! Post by: iago92 on February 13, 2014, 02:18:46 AM Thanks! :)
I have some questions about Zelda hacking: Can I insert more characters than the originals from Oracle of ages? If the answer is no, can I use the same character in different maps with a different text? Is the text from the signs editable from ZOTE? Because I canīt find sign's text there... (Sorry for my english, I'm spanish) And thanks for this great application! I prefer Zelda Oracles Hacking Suite since I'm a beginner, but it has less options... Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26.1 Released! Post by: Lin on February 15, 2014, 03:54:12 AM Thanks! :) Yes, but not like you'd expect. First off, there is no inserting anything. You'll have to edit what exists or repoint data and add what you want. But it's nothing like adding characters in GBA Pokemon games. NPCs are interactions, which are pointers to assembly. NPCs are mostly untouched in hacking, so there isn't much documentation on them. It doesn't help that very few of them follow a specific format. I tried making an NPC editor that controlled the sprite and such but it only worked for a small selection and wasn't worth using. So it's best to just try and use existing ones and editing their text.I have some questions about Zelda hacking: Can I insert more characters than the originals from Oracle of ages? If the answer is no, can I use the same character in different maps with a different text? Is the text from the signs editable from ZOTE? Because I canīt find sign's text there... (Sorry for my english, I'm spanish) And thanks for this great application! I prefer Zelda Oracles Hacking Suite since I'm a beginner, but it has less options... That said, it's very difficult to find just a random NPC you can use. Most of them only appear when certain flags are set in the memory, and then their text sometimes changes based on that. So you can try that and use ZOTE to find and edit their text. If you're looking for an easy way to edit NPCs, the decompile interaction feature does rarely work with NPCs. You can use it to try and find their scripts, which can then be edited to control what they say and how they act. I think that's what Fatories and I did in Nature's intro event. Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26.1 Released! Post by: iago92 on February 16, 2014, 11:55:22 PM Okay, thanks :)
Title: Re: ZOLE 4 Version 1.26.1 Released! Post by: Lin on February 16, 2014, 11:58:34 PM Okay, thanks :) No problem :) |