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1  Oracles Hacking / Help / Rearrange Map Groups? on: May 19, 2011, 05:49:16 PM
While there are four overworld maps with a set of rooms from 00 to FF each, all the dungeons and indoor rooms share one set of values from 00 to FF.

I know i can rearrange the rooms within one Map Group.

But is it possible to rearrange the map groups themselves?
For example, instead of having a one-floored Spirit's Grave with one map group of 21 rooms, could i split these up into two floors with 10 rooms each?

I'm just wondering because i had the idea of making a past version of Moonlit Grotto (similar to the Mermaid's Cave):

(Currently i was just playing around with the map editor, i know i have to be careful with the right border. Writing the script is likely quite a mess as well: only the past version should allow inserting the eyes, the present version has to get updated once the eyes in the past version are inserted, and you normally only have one item of that kind as well, so you won't be able to carry two of these at once...)
2  The Site / Announcements / Re: Happy Birthday ZOLE on: May 07, 2011, 12:13:57 PM
Wow, time has passed with the Ages [hackings], huh? (yeah, kind of a lame pun, i know)

I think the community has to thank you, Lin Wink
I look forward to the future of Zelda Oracles hacking, too!
3  Oracles Hacking / Lists / Re: Enemy Hit Types on: January 24, 2011, 09:41:11 PM
Nice list. But does this mean sprites are independant from their "usual values"? (E.g. if you add a Moblin, like the one in your video. This one couldn't should arrows either unlike regular Moblins afaik. Then again this is likely a bad example since their weapon is independant from this hit type list. So let's say, i could crate a (beam shooting) Lynel that will be pushed back when i hit it?)

That beam reflecting idea seems interesting.
(Since only the Level 3 shield can ward a Beamos Laser you could only deflect them with the Mirror shield, which would allow an accordingly themed Level. Yet would this not require recreating all values of hit types since laser/shield damage does not exist as bite information?)

How was the laser reflection in Link's Awakening done? Afair the beam deflects from your shield in another direction (without doing any harm). Is this just a triggered animation like a regular deflected arrow or stone that falls to the ground then?

Also, is it possible to give one bite the information of grabbing enemies? Possibly through one of the bites dependant on a Ring.
I can remember that it was possible to grab stunned enemies in Link's Awakening. Although i know those are two seperate games, and it might also be something more complex since i think those stunned enemies behaved like koopas from super mario - after a while they will be un-stunned and you'll lose your grasp and take damage from touching them.

Sorry if there are a lot of dumb questions here :mellow:
4  Oracles Hacking / Opinions and Experiments / Re: "Tokay cave" (path to Ancient Tomb): missing door in the original game on: January 02, 2011, 11:02:01 PM
Perhaps they took it out because it's not good level design to intentionally hurt the player in order to proceed.

It is possible to open a cracked floor without falling into it. It requires good timing, though.
You either have to stand on the edge of the cracked tile and move quickly away after about two seconds, or you jump with your Roc's Feather.

But you still have a point there - the designers possibly thought the players didn't expect that this works either. And since it was further complicated by Hardhat Beetles following your path, they were maybe like "alright screw this idea and remove that door, the  blade traps are enough."
Yet i don't understand why they didn't simply exchange the cracked tiles for regular holes then...

Also it could be that if somebody had the Roc's Ring equipped, they maybe couldn't figure out why the floors wern't crumbling. I know of other games that give crumbling floor protection, and people often forget to switch it off when they need to sink or fall down or somthing.

Well i'd barely call that a reason Tongue
This is merely a ring you use for a short period of time - e.g. in a single room of a dungeon - which afterwards you change back for your prefered ring (with a more universal effect).
If somebody is permanently using the Roc's Ring the player either (a) has no other ring he/she'd like to activate, (b) some severe hole-falling paranoia or (c) simply didn't understand how Magical Rings work  :lol:

5  Oracles Hacking / Opinions and Experiments / "Tokay cave" (path to Ancient Tomb): missing door in the original game on: December 27, 2010, 01:12:26 PM
Well this might be a very minor hack you could do to fix a "little bug" in the game.

On your way to level 8, you get the Tokay Eye from the Pirate Captain, which opens the path to a cave that tells you that you have to prove your courage, wisdom and strength (kinda in reverse order) to get through. The first room has a bunch of Gibdos to defeat, so that's the strength room. The third one is the courage room, an invisble floor maze you have to solve with your Cane of Somaria (or with your feather and pegasus seeds by jumping right and then upwards  :001_tongue:). So the second room is the one where you have to proof your wisdom. It features blade traps, and you have to use your power bracelet/level 2+ sword, feather and bombs to get through the first part. The second part of the room features Hardhat Beetles and cracked floors, so they obviously want from you to open some of the holes in a smart movement and then throw the two Hardhat Beetles into them. Yet you can pass this room without bothering about that, since there is no locked door that could prevent you from not just walking past them.

TL;DR, here's a picture of the fixed version:

6  Oracles Hacking / Lists / Re: Enemy List (Full List) on: September 23, 2010, 06:31:25 PM
Alright, i found the bosses and minibosses. They are all stored in 70XX:

7000 - Giant Ghini (Level 1 Miniboss (70XX makes a level 1 Miniboss with misplaced minighosts.)
7100 - Swoop (Level 2 Miniboss; that winged Masticore thingie. In my case, falling down the cracked floor caused by its impact brought me to the top left corner in the present Maku Path. I was in the Past Maku Path.)
7200 - Subterror (Level 3 Miniboss - the blue mole with the driller nose)
7300 - Armos Warrior (Level 4 Miniboss - that one with the big golden spinning sword)
7400 - Smasher (Level 5 Miniboss - you might remember it from Link's Awakening - except cooler, due to annoying squeaking sounds)
7500 - Vire (Level 6 Miniboss - Veran's/Onox's Asshamster)
7600 - Angler Fish (Level 7 Miniboss - not that one from Link's Awakening, that bouncing one you could bust with Scent Seeds)
7700 - Blue Stalfos (Level 8 Miniboss - a.k.a. the Grim Reaper :bored:)
7800 - Pumpkin Head (Level 1 Boss)
7900 - Head Thwomp (Level 2 Boss - funny fight not in a sidescroller room Wink)
7A00 - Shadow Hag (Level 3 Boss)
7B00 - Eyesoar (Level 4 Boss)
7C00 - Smog (Level 5 Boss - it will just disappear when not in his special room with the reset switch apparently...)
7D00 - Octogon (Level 6 Boss - this one has integration problems as well, since he dies in the upper left corner...)
7E00 - Plasmarine (Level 7 Boss - funny fight while on land, swinging your sword at him makes him change his color, and he's invulnerable to bombs)
7F00 - Moblin King (This one got his place here instead of Ramrock, the Level 8 boss. His code is already written down by Lin - 700)
7  Oracles Hacking / Lists / Re: Enemy List (Full List) on: September 23, 2010, 05:37:27 PM
Oh alright, i never noticed any difference. Good catch.
Then it makes sense of course Cheesy
8  Oracles Hacking / Lists / Re: Enemy List (Full List) on: September 23, 2010, 04:35:43 PM
Wow, a lot of those codes that come after 4F01 make the game freeze after having entered the room or trying to approach that "data pixel thing".
4F02+4F04 put the smaller body parts of the Moldorm to that place, another one started the Twinrova transformation sequence (without her being visible) and then turning the room all dark until you hit Start or Select.

I made one lucky hit though:

5F00 - purple Hardhat Beetle
(Those that just push you away instead of hurting you, which are found during the game for repairing the Tuni Nut.)

6400 - Dark Link
(Those of which four are created when Veran reveals her second green Demon form.
Moves like Arm Mimic. Takes 6 hits. Always drops a Heart)

Those blue Crystals from the Goron Seed Shooter game. Fixed positions on the map, depending on their number (6302 for example is on the upper right corner, those with higher numbers move up and down)

Twine seed. Again their positions seem to be dependant from their two last digits, although with high digits they always end up on the upper left corner...

Trigger that appears after defeating possessed Queen Ambi (no palette errors) - results in fighting Veran's Demon Form.

Here is a bunch of rather useless, albeit funny ones:

Possessed Nayru with Palette error (not pixellated, but with red-black inversed colors)
Possessed Queen Ambi with Palette error (same as above)

Recovering-from-faint-red-black-inversed-color-Nayru-sprite that's moving in a circle like that green Blade Trap.

Queen Ambi spreading her arms to heaven, floating and following you until you leave the room.
(Well she doesn't really float but it looks like that)

Unknown blue sprite...maybe Nayru's first planned appearance, or some girl from Holodrum (didn't play Seasons that much)

Much more orbit-like floating weird sprites...there is likely some AI movement of a boss hidden behind this, possibly that one from Vire or Veran.

Screws the entire screen over time with wrong tiles.

This time Nayru is actually floating. When approaching her, she tells the Great Fearies' phrase, but then no heal occurs and you are struck.
I think this number could actually be useful when using it with the right sort of interaction.

6127: Party hard.

6128: Invincible inversed colors Ambi of death: Try to touch her or even hurt her with your sword, and it will cost you a full heart.

...ok, i've tried everything up to 612F, there doesn't seem to be anything useful, so i'll stop ranting about the crappy stuff i found here now  :blushing:
9  Oracles Hacking / Lists / Re: Enemy List (Full List) on: September 23, 2010, 03:16:32 PM
I noticed that 904 (up to 9FF) provides a Gold Octorok. (26 hits with L-1 Sword)

Kind of weird that 900/901 make a red one and 902/903 a blue one while all other red/blue/gold creatures use XX00 for red, XX01 for blue and XX02 for gold  :001_tongue:

What a pity that Vacuum neither appears in Ages nor Seasons Sad They were one of my favorites.
Imagine a boss fight with one of these in an unreachable corner Cheesy
10  Oracles Hacking / ZOLE / Re: My History on: September 23, 2010, 12:59:18 AM
This took you only an hour to write? I can remember spending more time for such blog-like stuff  :blink: 
I for some reason just read through all of this. Although i could barely get an idea out of most terms you used there , i nonetheless recognized you've come a long way already.
Also with the help of various different tools and, most of all, many other helpful people.

Today, with the tools you created, you are already able to realize your dream of a custom Zelda game Wink
Unless you are still missing various features for your current Editor needed for creating the desired custom game, that is  :001_tongue:
Anyways, i'm eager to see your future progress  :thumbup:

Btw, i thought i might mention it here since it concerns your ZLADE (because i think he did it with your tool) and also is some topic from the past: Jigglysaint's unfinished Nightmare's Illusion hack had a pretty neat level design. He doesn't only seem to be a good programmer, but also a creative level designer. Jigglysaint called it a rather bad hack himself, but he might refered to this halfway done version with all the glitches included. (E.g. the idea of including a potion in every dungeon was neat)
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