Primary Zelda Hacking

Oracles Hacking => ZOSE => Topic started by: Lin on November 10, 2010, 03:35:21 AM

Title: ZOSE Version 1.1 Released!
Post by: Lin on November 10, 2010, 03:35:21 AM
Well, after quite some time in development, I am proud to announce the very first release of ZOSE. If you don't know, ZOSE is a script editor for the Oracles (Ages) games (-s), which means we can create our own events. If you want some examples of its power, head over to the Opinions and Experiments section and view my videos.

Version 1.01: It includes some pretty heavy updates, which include opcodes that you need to re-add (Edit > Apply New Opcodes). There's also now a better Free Space Finder, and a lot of file stuff. More memory addresses to use and just all-round better.

Version 1.02: Added a new command - UnsetRoomFlag. It unsets the specified flag (bit) in the specified map/group.

Version 1.03: Fixed a bug with one of the custom opcodes. It requires you to Tools > Apply New Opcodes.

Version 1.04: Fixed several bugs, including free space finder bugs and jump2byte compiling bugs and some warning and double-check systems for safety.

Version 1.05 Beta: Recoded the assembly and created F7D2, the new format for type 72 scripts. This is a beta release with only some testing, and is recommended you don't use it primarily until 1.05 Release is out.

Version 1.05 Beta 2 (Final): Multiple jumps no longer crash the game, "jump3bytemc" works, the decompiler no longer prints out a duplicate of the base part if jumped back to later, there is now a "Decompile 72 Interaction" window because the "Decompile Interaction" no longer works with 72 interactions due to the lack of opcode support in the emulation.

Version 1.1: Recoded most of the assembly again and now all interactions can use the jump3byte commands. ZOSE now requires GBHL 1.1, which it now comes with.

Anyway, this marks yet another spot in the history of Zelda Oracles hacking, as our flexibility has gone up as much as click-and-set editing within ZOSE. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you: ZOSE!

Happy hacking! Be sure to read ZOSE.html for a template, commands list, and more. Please note this IS a first release, and it heavily lacks commands that were there to begin with and may have a bug or two. Just be sure to report anything wrong.


Title: Re: ZOSE Version 1.00 Released!
Post by: m64m on November 10, 2010, 03:37:36 AM
By far the best script editor for Oracles I've even used. (Not to mention, the only one)

Title: Re: ZOSE Version 1.00 Released!
Post by: pikaguy900 on November 10, 2010, 03:43:32 AM
ilu lin <3

I'm going to experiment with this a bit, then try to figure out how to edit the enemies with this on a per-spawn basis so I can make a little dungeon boss. :D How do I make Lin walk forward a bit with this? Would calling DisableInput and manually setting bits to whichever direction I want him to move in work? Or would DisableInput stop that?

Title: Re: ZOSE Version 1.00 Released!
Post by: Supreme Dirt on November 10, 2010, 07:53:25 PM
YES. I'll be messing around with this.

At long last, custom bosses. Not to mention a bajillion other things I can do now.

Title: Re: ZOSE Version 1.01 Released!
Post by: Lin on February 20, 2011, 04:33:00 AM
Released 1.01. I'd recommend getting it.

Title: Re: ZOSE Version 1.02 Released!
Post by: Lin on February 20, 2011, 09:26:01 AM
Released 1.02. A new and helpful command, allowing us things like track switching!

Title: Re: ZOSE Version 1.02 Released!
Post by: Lin on February 23, 2011, 12:53:01 AM
When I said I released 1.02, it didn't actually update. I highly recommend re-downloading it to have the correct version (same link).

Title: Re: ZOSE Version 1.03 Released!
Post by: Lin on February 23, 2011, 06:38:47 AM
Released 1.03. Fixed a bug with one of the custom opcodes. It requires you to Tools > Apply New Opcodes.

Title: Re: ZOSE Version 1.04 Released!
Post by: Lin on February 28, 2011, 05:42:05 AM
Released 1.04. Fixed several bugs, including free space finder bugs and jump2byte compiling bugs and some warning and double-check systems for safety.

Title: Re: ZOSE Version 1.05 Beta Released! [Now with F7D2!]
Post by: Lin on April 30, 2011, 04:17:53 AM
Released 1.05. Recoded the assembly and created F7D2, the new format for type 72 scripts. This is a beta release with only some testing, and is recommended you don't use it primarily until 1.05 Release is out.

Test and report any bugs here.

Title: Re: ZOSE Version 1.05 Beta 2 Released! [Now with F7D2!]
Post by: Lin on April 30, 2011, 07:32:26 AM
Released 1.05 Beta 2. Multiple jumps no longer crash the game, "jump3bytemc" works, the decompiler no longer prints out a duplicate of the base part if jumped back to later, there is now a "Decompile 72 Interaction" window because the "Decompile Interaction" no longer works with 72 interactions due to the lack of opcode support in the emulation.

It should be pretty safe, but I don't want to ensure it until more people test.

Title: Re: ZOSE Version 1.05 Final Released! [Now with F7D2!]
Post by: Lin on April 30, 2011, 07:27:39 PM
1.05 Beta 2 has been tested and is now deemed as final. Feel free to download it and use it for real. :D

Title: Re: ZOSE Version 1.1 Released!
Post by: Lin on December 10, 2011, 09:18:12 PM
Version 1.1 is now available! I recoded most of the assembly again and now all interactions can use the jump3byte commands. ZOSE now requires GBHL 1.1, which it now comes with.