Primary Zelda Hacking

Oracles Hacking => Help => Topic started by: Google Knight on May 18, 2011, 11:39:26 AM

Title: Some problems editing OoA with Zole
Post by: Google Knight on May 18, 2011, 11:39:26 AM
Well, I just have some problems at my first steps and I would be grateful if you guys could help me out.

1. I have edited the zone on Rolling Ridge where you find te 5th dungeon. I've ''painted'' the zone of the dungeon so that's not seen anymore, but for some reason when I play on the hacked room, the dungeon still appears... Let me show you directly:

On Zole: (

On the hacked room (by using the emulator VBA): (

How could I delete that dungeon gate?

2. When I walk to the left, to another screen, I can't move. The game doesn't freeze but Link can't move any place. -> SOLVED

3. How can I put certain items in the chest? I need the shield and the sword (lv-1) but I don't now which ID to put. -> SOLVED

4.I can't change the music. I mean, I put another number in the music section, but when I play the game there is no music (well, that's normal because at the beginning of the game there is no music, but I've changed that at the music section. Maybe I gotta do it on another place related to the starting sequence)


5. start button doesnt work -> SOLVED

6. similar to the dungeon gate (problem no. 1.)

Zole: (

VBA (GBA Emulator): (

As you can see, a brown wall appears. And I've already deleted all the interactions, so that's not the problem. It doesnt dissapear even if I put another tile in its place.

That problem also happens in some other places, it basically substitute tiles I've already edited by other I don't want.

7. When I move a statue, it transform into a grave. Someting similar when I cut 'little trees'' it appears an time arp sign instead floor.

8. How can I delete the information of a chest I have already edited? Do I need to find a map for each chest or can the maps being used twice? Because I get nothing when I put bombs into a chest with the same map info than another one (the sword one)

9. How can I find the inside houses maps?

That's all, hope you can help me, guys.

A video showing all the mistakes I experiment:

Title: Re: Some problems editing OoA with Zole
Post by: felmet on May 18, 2011, 01:46:49 PM
3. if you look around this forum you'll find tutorials and lists of items and how to put them inside chests

Title: Re: Some problems editing OoA with Zole
Post by: Google Knight on May 18, 2011, 03:06:18 PM
Thank you felmet  :). Now I've put the items I want in the chest. I have written more problems I have. Please, help.

Title: Re: Some problems editing OoA with Zole
Post by: Jigglysaint on May 18, 2011, 05:50:45 PM
What you are experiencing is something I call "map scripts".  Basically, it's a tile overlay drawn on top of the regular tiles that can be set to change after specific conditions occur.  The first could be solved by re-locating the map script for that map.  The second is harder to fix since it requires hex editing because ZOLE doesn't support room flag set tiles(in the case of the wall, it disappears if you are in a linked game).

Title: Re: Some problems editing OoA with Zole
Post by: Google Knight on May 18, 2011, 07:10:37 PM
The first could be solved by re-locating the map script for that map.

And how could I do that? Thanks :p

Title: Re: Some problems editing OoA with Zole
Post by: Lin on May 18, 2011, 10:12:26 PM
The first could be solved by re-locating the map script for that map.

And how could I do that? Thanks :p
Please learn to actually look at the features ZOLE has before asking questions. If you had taken the time you spent posting your posts and instead looked at the Tools menu in ZOLE, you would've found an option called "Map Script Chooser" followed by a window you can edit. To change the maps, you would've done the same thing on another map and just set the map value to the map with the script and clicked Swap.

Title: Re: Some problems editing OoA with Zole
Post by: Google Knight on May 19, 2011, 09:17:27 AM
It just says the map doesnt have any script. Do I have to change the map numbers down and press ''swap'' to find it or something? Because it is weird it says there isnt any script but actually there is, that floating wall only seen in the emulator.            

PS: The map is A, group 0. Where is located the 5th dungeon. What have I to put in script index and memory pointer? I need to be able to change the map script in map A, anyway... as I said, it says there isnt map script.
BTW, how can I change the music? I mean, I change it, but when I play everything less the chest sounds and so on is in silence. I could change it once, but now all is silent again :/

And could you Lin help me out with problem n. 7?

Thanks, and sorry. I am really sorry I feel like I am make you upset,but you have done the program so you are the best person to help me. I'd be very grateful. To do this hack rom is my ilusion.

**Chest and house problems added**