Primary Zelda Hacking

Oracles Hacking => Help => Topic started by: Klavice on July 04, 2010, 06:44:25 AM

Title: Changing Flutes
Post by: Klavice on July 04, 2010, 06:44:25 AM
Suppose I want to have a flute for an animal come out of a chest. But I wanted that flute to be for Dimitri rather than the default flute.

How would I change which flute the strange flute would belong to if I got it out of a chest?

Title: Re: Changing Flutes
Post by: Fatories on July 04, 2010, 04:08:34 PM
I also want to know how this would be done

Title: Re: Changing Flutes
Post by: Lin on July 04, 2010, 11:26:47 PM
Include an ASM hack. Edit the chest procedure and if the chest item is xx, set Cxxx to xx.

Title: Re: Changing Flutes
Post by: Klavice on August 27, 2010, 03:55:56 AM
Sorry to bump this but could it be possible to use this to allow Link to get all three flutes instead of just one?

Or would I have to completely modify the inventory?

Title: Re: Changing Flutes
Post by: Lin on August 27, 2010, 06:01:19 AM
I'm pretty sure the flute is one ID, with the level of it being the flute type. Use ZOCF (or ZOCR, don't remember if it was Reader or Fixer) to get the offset of the chest data, and you can easily make it so, say, the sword became the Dimitri flute by using a hex editor.