Hmm... Well, I didn't change the region header and found the bug with events was somewhere else. Basically, map swapping wasn't working
at all thanks to my custom loading script, but it's all good now and a new script is added at bank 54. And I see it impossible for a map script to not be detected, because the game checks the map you're heading into 3 times (Or maybe it's 4. I have the 0x11F5F check commented out, so maybe that's why).
I was always unsure about the other interactions... The code seemed a bit edgy and I hadn't tested it outside of dungeons, so I'll look into that. And at the room arranger, I thought I had it so maps get set before you press OK... But if not, I'll make sure it happens. Thanks.
Oh, and can you give me an example of a room that has a script?
EDIT: I guess I had the wrong bank for
one two of the checks, so that's probably why it wasn't detecting them. But still, can you give me one of the rooms?
EDIT2: Aah, I found the interaction bug. First off, I noticed existing interactions don't get messed up. Second, there only seems to be one set of messed up interactions which get applied to every map that didn't already have them, which is at 49977, so pretty much all I have to do is make sure it doesn't write to there or anywhere near it because that's where the no-interactions are at.
EDIT3: Fixed the interactions bug... Basically adding interactions would clear out the old ones, and since the ones with no interactions do technically have interactions, it replaces the FF at 49977 with 0 and since the byte immediately after that is F2, a bunch of interactions get added randomly until FE/FF is hit. Also, the room arranger originally worked how you requested. Notice how if you change a room, the selection box becomes blue. Blue indicates changed and red indicates the same. I don't know why you thought you could only change one at a time though