Title: Making a Weapon Obtainable in Side Scrolling Areas Post by: Fatories on June 11, 2011, 03:48:55 AM So you've been at ZOLE for a while, working with those dem fine chests, and you've finally come to the point in your hack where you need an item to appear in a side scrolling screen (like the power bracelet or rocs feather). Now you're a smart person and you've tried, you've looked for all possible ways to do this before coming to the tutorial but you've finally given up on doing it. Well don't worry I'll teach you how to do this step by step.
You will require ZOIC and ZOSE for this tutorial. 1. You will need to make a custom script in your room using ZOSE. If you are unfamiliar how then you better go learn how, I have a tutorial on it which can be found here: http://zeldahacking.ulmb.com/index.php?topic=274.new#new In this script you will have to write to simple lines. Code: writelocation xxxxx setinteraction72 xx checkitemflag spawnitem X Y The code may need to be altered around a bit with such things as "set coords", I trust if you are following this tutorial you could at least be able to figure that out. The X should be your weapons first ID and the Y should be the second one (For power bracelet 16 00, etc). Check out the weapon list here for your weapon ID: http://zeldahacking.ulmb.com/index.php?topic=10.0 2. Open your ROM in ZOIC. In ZOIC enter the ID of your item (1600 for the bracelet, etc) and values should be loaded. In the item property value change whatever you see there to 0A. Then click the change item button. There you go folks, three simple steps to making an item appear in your side scrolling room. |