Title: Anyone Getting Animal Crossing: New Leaf? Post by: Radz on June 09, 2013, 01:08:54 PM Just wondering if anybody was getting the new Animal Crossing. I will probably be getting it, but it will not be until later this week when I get paid.
If there are any other players, we should trade FCs so we can visit each others towns. Title: Re: Anyone Getting Animal Crossing: New Leaf? Post by: Lin on June 09, 2013, 07:32:04 PM I did :D My friend code is 4484-8540-1928. I'll need yours if you plan on adding me since that's the way the 3DS works.
Title: Re: Anyone Getting Animal Crossing: New Leaf? Post by: Radz on June 09, 2013, 11:45:39 PM Yeah, it's cool. I just wanted to see if anybody had the game first.
My 3DS code is 1762-2719-0554. I'll add you once I can get away from the wife and kid long enough to do it. I won't get the game until probably Friday though so I won't be able to play until then obviously. Title: Re: Anyone Getting Animal Crossing: New Leaf? Post by: Radz on June 21, 2013, 06:07:15 PM I finally got the game.
Our main produce is apples. Soon, I am going to go to my brother and some friends towns though and I am going to start an orchard with all sorts of different fruits. Title: Re: Anyone Getting Animal Crossing: New Leaf? Post by: Lin on June 21, 2013, 08:30:39 PM Awesome! My fruit is peaches and I also have some cherries. I got bananas from somewhere (I don't wanna spoil anything) but they don't sell for much since they're gettable in any town. We'll have to visit each other's towns to share fruit :)
Title: Re: Anyone Getting Animal Crossing: New Leaf? Post by: Radz on June 24, 2013, 11:34:23 PM Cool. I added your FC to my list. I've got apples as native fruit and will be growing oranges, bananas, some spiky thing, coconuts, mangos, and...some cherry looking thing.
Title: Re: Anyone Getting Animal Crossing: New Leaf? Post by: Gerik on June 30, 2013, 01:50:03 AM Hey, Lin, are you liniscool on GFaqs?
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