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Author Topic: Link's Evil Tune  (Read 298 times)
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« on: June 26, 2010, 07:56:38 PM »

In an attempted experiment to discover codes for treasure items, I have stumbled across a pointless yet funny glitch. When a treasure's ID is set to "1111" and the "Map First" box is UN-checked, link will recieve ember seeds from the treasure, whether he has the seed satchel or not. If Link does NOT have possession of the seed satchel, and the embers become automatically equiped due to a free hand (a.k.a. nothing equipped in either slot A or slot B), when the seeds are used, Link plays the ominous music on his harp for a few seconds before the game crashes.

Like I said: its pointless, yet fun. Smiley
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« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2010, 08:08:44 PM »

Three things: First, that's pretty cool. You'll find a lot of dumb stuff like that when messing with chests. But in a way to think about it, you got a level 12 Harp of Ages xD

Second, the "Map First" box normally has to be unchecked. The game is weird when it comes to loading chests so it tries to check both the map and the chest position in a different order. If you check it and you're positive you have a chest at your position, it might not work (Same goes for the box being unchecked).

Third, why experiment? I made a tutorial on finding chest IDs, and it's pretty simple to follow. Here's a tiny list you might be able to make use of though.
2Dxx - Ring (Starts at 04)
3401 - Gasha Seed
Reeeaaally tiny, but still! And if one of the rings freezes, use the chest reader/fixer and fix it to come out of a chest.
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