Primary Zelda Hacking

Link's Awakening Hacking => Tutorials => Topic started by: Fatories on June 14, 2013, 11:10:22 PM

Title: Editing Link's Initial Bed Spawn
Post by: Fatories on June 14, 2013, 11:10:22 PM
Contained within LALE is an initial start location editor; however, this editor only edits the position of Link if he does not spawn in the bed like the game normally does. If for some reason you wish to still have Link spawn in the bed, but you need to have the bed moved to a different location then you can use a hex editor to alter these to values:

0x152B2 - Link's Start X-Pos
0x152B8 - Link's Start Y-Pos

Simpy open up a hex editor and go to the two offsets. The values seen (if using a 1.2 ROM like you should be) can then be edited to the position you want them to (coordinates can be gotten through LALE)