Primary Zelda Hacking

Link's Awakening Hacking => Suggestions => Topic started by: ArchProctor on June 17, 2013, 12:07:03 AM

Title: Different types of objects that rooms can hold
Post by: ArchProctor on June 17, 2013, 12:07:03 AM
Maybe the title isn't put very well, but you know how certain rooms in dungeons have certain types of enemies which are different than the others?

Let's take Tail Cave, map 16. The are two hardhat beetles (I never knew their name until just this moment..and I am not a fan). And in TC's map D, there's a mini moldorm. If I were to try to swap the IDs (put a beetle on map D and a mini moldorm on map 16), then although the behavior would be accurate, the graphics would be messed up.

It would be helpful to be able to change what types of objects you can have on each map, so I could for example have a mini moldorm on map 16 or a beetle on map D. This is something that I actually imagine you have thought about already so I don't feel like I'm suggesting anything new to you, but I wanted to bring it up.

Title: Re: Different types of objects that rooms can hold
Post by: Fatories on June 17, 2013, 12:35:11 AM
Yeah this is nothing new. I think in my LALE Update 3 video I showed how I had the base sprite tiles drawing for maps. That means I already have the sprite banks for each map loading and I could already make an editor for that. It is a very important feature so I might push out the most basic editing for it until I can get a real sprite/object editor made.