Primary Zelda Hacking
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Author Topic: Legend of Zelda: ??  (Read 340 times)
LALE Creator
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« on: June 27, 2010, 02:10:28 PM »

First of all this is more of a hack for Seasons rather then ages, but its just an idea so tell me what you think.

The one thing I never liked about the oracle games was that you never used the animals. Other then the one time save the carpenter thing, you never actually needed them, so they were useless. So my idea for a hack is to change that and make lots of puzzles that involve all 3 animals.

In the original game you are introduced all 3 animals before having to choose a flute. I'm hoping that I can somehow have you keep encountering the animals more then once, rather then getting one forever. Eventually you would get a choice, and depending on which animal you choose, it would make the game have puzzles harder to solve or easier.

This would be hard to do with ages because I'm pretty sure you can't use the animals in the past, but for seasons you can use them all the time which, in my opinion, could make a great hack.

As for story line, I haven't really thought of anything. So tell me if you think this could end up being a good hack or if you think I should wait until a seasons editor is made.

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