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Oracles Hacking / Projects / Re: Zelda - Cult of Karu
on: May 20, 2013, 02:00:29 AM
Its good to see someone still so dedicated to working on a project still. Now not to sound rude but here is where you need to be hit with a cold wet fish, reason why is because while you can find someone to help you, most of us are busy working on our own projects, school or personal lives so you will be hard pressed to find someone to help you on top of what their doing. Your best off going and checking out how the scripting for zose works and doing the scripting and interaction layouts your self, trust me you will feel much better for doing it your self then having someone else do it and not understanding how to for later on.
Oracles Hacking / Opinions and Experiments / Re: Community Project?
on: January 15, 2013, 07:00:45 PM
Dont be cheap
I will never release my rom hack because i have no asm + programing skills for digging deeper in zelda oracle of ages. First off you should be discouraged from trying to make a hack because you know know asm, I dont know much of it yet I still have ended up fine with my progress. Ya the cool stuff is the stuff which can be done with asm of extensive hex editing but it is possible if you know what your doing. I can't change the life and damage and defence on different enemies including miniboses and bigboses  + what attacks and magics they use with their ai behavior + their weak points. Too many things impossible  Fist off there is an enemy editor for that, also everything is pososible if you put time and effort into it  .
Oracles Hacking / Discussion / Re: The Power of RAM Editing - Custom Bosses via Regular Enemies
on: January 13, 2013, 06:43:53 PM
... if you set DxA4 to anything under and including 80 (7th bit) the enemy basically becomes a ghost in the sense you can see them, they do their normal movement patterns and what not, but you cannot interact with them. You walk right over top of them. If set above 80 it basically becomes the regular enemy again, full interaction nothing changed at all (at least that I could tell).
So in a sence they kind of makes them like blue wisrobes who are able to become tranclucent (but without the change to gfx) in the sence you cant affect them during that period. I wonder if they do use that for when they go inv and phase through walls?
The Site / Suggestions / Re: Something has happened with this site
on: January 13, 2013, 04:22:27 PM
Obvisouly the problem been fixed since you were able to log in and post about it so why bring it up?
That problem to the average person mean that there was a problem with the site, just dont worry about it now.
Oracles Hacking / Finished Hacks / Re: The Legend of Zelda, The Oracle of Hours Beta out now! (Version 1.1)
on: July 03, 2011, 03:30:05 PM
I would prefer that no one try and do that since I want the game to be a surprize when they play it as there will be some changes made here and there. :cursing: Also dont worry about beta testing it, I do it my self and go around and fix everything as I play since I was a big exploiter for games I know what to look for when people try to exploit things and fix them before they get a chance to. :thumbup1: Edit: So I'm up to the Beach Cave and there's been a few stray bugs here and there.
Like chests in areas with no obvious puzzle. I'm in a room in Beach Cave and I lack a small key. There's a tone in the room with two vases in a maze-like area. What am I supposed to do?
Now that I had the time to go around I have fixed those issues and now that Zole has the minimap editor I have been able to fix that annoying unwanted compas sounds happening when they shouldent. This fix will be included for the next version update.
Oracles Hacking / Help / Re: hud editing
on: May 24, 2011, 05:57:39 PM
Its something I also yould like to know a bit more about but I can share what I do know. The top bar which you are reffering to is 2 made out of 2 things, 1 being some gfx which I have yet to locate and some code to tell the bar what weapon to display in which slot, and to change the visual gfx ammount of rupees/keys you have. If I find something I will tell ya k?
Oracles Hacking / Help / Re: new items
on: May 24, 2011, 05:53:49 PM
Ok well, here is the real issue guys. Currently Jiggly and I are in the process of trying to create some new weapons with lin as a point of reference for some needed info; creating new weapons is possible but it does require a deeper and advanced understanding of the game, jiggly acually is doing more of the acuall coding so I will give credit where credit is due, and I am working on the ideas, graphics and anamation for them. If you guys wait a bit I will release my next version of my hack soon which will have Lv. 4 and a new kind of weapon. (There are 5 custom ones to make, weve currently made 3, so your hopes arent dashed yet) 