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Author Topic: What is ZOLE Live?  (Read 503 times)
ZOLE Creator
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« on: May 01, 2011, 10:53:34 AM »

ZOLE Live is a modified version of ZOLE made strictly for networking and editing ROMs with multiple people. Things are updated in real time and it's the best way for teams to get work. Basically, any amount of people can be working on the same ROM at one time and they can chat, view each others progress, and do stuff on their own. For example, 3 people could be editing: one could be working on the overworld, another part of level 1, and the other another part of level 1. This is a really fast way for editing, and it takes after Google Docs's live editing idea.

The project was only starting recently, and is making progress fast, so it shouldn't be too long before it's actually out.

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