Title: On "Time Holes" Post by: Marky on January 27, 2012, 04:27:02 AM I've been playing around a little with making Time Hole tiles, and I just thought I should share, in case nobody else has discovered the distinction yet, the interaction addresses for different types of Time Holes - the ones activated by your 'Tune of Echoes'.
E100 creates a standard time hole that is activated by the harp. E101 creates a permanently open time hole, which will stay active even if you leave the map. I've been studying the start event where Veran attacks Nayru, trying to figure out how the game then turns off the permanently active portal that Veran opens on the ridge. I do know that exactly as the time hole is activated, the map's memory address goes from D0 to D8. This seems to be significant in some way because whenever the 'Tune of Echoes' is played to activate an 'E100' type time hole, the map's value changes from x0 to x8. If anyone else has done much work on these interactions, I'd be interested to know if there was a way to change the ID of a type 2 interaction, in this case to change it from 'E101' to 'E100', making a portal that is opened by an event and then becomes one that the player can activate with the harp. Edit: Or, alternatively, if anyone knows how to 'despawn' a type 2 interaction via a script, if either are possible. Title: Re: On "Time Holes" Post by: Lin on January 27, 2012, 06:00:04 AM This can be achieved using a script and a fixed-address set. Interactions are stored in Dx40-Dx7F. Dx40 is 00 or 01 (disabled/enabled), Dx41-Dx42 being the interaction ID. Dx44 is the state of the interaction, which is probably what you're look for. You can try to use VBA's memory viewer and see if the x for the portal is always the same (as in the interaction index). If it is, a script can use the setmemory function and change either the Dx44 to 00 (likely) or the Dx40 to 00. Hope this helps!
Title: Re: On "Time Holes" Post by: Marky on January 29, 2012, 02:51:31 AM Nevermind that, I figured out what you meant and I understand how that part works with interactions now. I noticed that all the "time hole" interactions have '81' in the 'Dx40' address. Is this unusual? |