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Author Topic: Standard Dungeon IDs  (Read 808 times)
Jr. Member
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Revamper of ZOLE 4 for ZOLE 4.5

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« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2013, 04:45:08 PM »

I've removed the checkroomflag a few times and still nothing.
I know nothing about C, C++, or C# so that wasn't a really good comparison for me Smiley. The only programming language I know the very basics of is Visual Basic.
I'm only putting 0x in the forum here, not in ZOSE.

Proud part of the IRCs #smwc and #ZOLE as BigT.

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« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2013, 08:00:17 AM »

Hmm... Well, I'm clueless at this point. There's nothing else I can think off that would fix it. Sorry Sad
Jr. Member
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Revamper of ZOLE 4 for ZOLE 4.5

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« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2013, 03:16:38 PM »

I was toying around with the script commands and such, and I noticed that in the tile selector in ZOLE, there is a pressed switch tile.  So in ZOSE, I replaced checkmemory with checktile and made it check for the pressed switch tile.  Here's my new script:

//Decompiled script 100001
writelocation 100001
checktile 35 D //checkmemory CF35 D
playsound 4D
settilepos 34 F1

The item flag in the room had already been set, so I had to remove the checkroomflag.  But because of this, if I leave and reenter the room, I can make the chest appear again.  So can I use the regular room flag (80) to prevent this?  Or is there a way to remove the item flag?

Proud part of the IRCs #smwc and #ZOLE as BigT.

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« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2013, 08:50:44 PM »

Hmmm... Interesting. If I remember correctly, that should've worked. Anyway, you CAN use flag 80 if you want, but you'll have to force the player to get the chest. Actually, you could just do a checktile YX openchesttile and then set the room flag to 80. That should make it work just fine.
Jr. Member
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Revamper of ZOLE 4 for ZOLE 4.5

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« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2013, 08:47:53 PM »

Actually, the item flag wasn't set in that room.  I was able to use the item flag in the script.
When setting the item flag, the command is "setroomflag 40", but when checking, it's "checkitemflag".
Same with the regular room flag (80), the command for setting it is "setroomflag 80" and checking it is "checkspecialflag".
I haven't gotten the "checkroomflag ##" to work at all.  I guess it does something else besides checking the room flag.

I also noticed that there is a command called "setglobalflag".  What does that do?

Proud part of the IRCs #smwc and #ZOLE as BigT.

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« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2013, 10:43:40 PM »

Actually, the item flag wasn't set in that room.  I was able to use the item flag in the script.
When setting the item flag, the command is "setroomflag 40", but when checking, it's "checkitemflag".
Same with the regular room flag (80), the command for setting it is "setroomflag 80" and checking it is "checkspecialflag".
I haven't gotten the "checkroomflag ##" to work at all.  I guess it does something else besides checking the room flag.

I also noticed that there is a command called "setglobalflag".  What does that do?
Oh, right. Weird, I forgot about that. Checkroomflag ANDs the room flag by the current value and if it's not 0, the next instruction is skipped. And honestly, it's been so long that it seems I've forgotten. I think there are an extra 8 bytes in the memory for 256 additional global flags, but don't quote me on that.

I sure wish Jigglysaint was here. He'd know for sure Tongue
Jr. Member
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Revamper of ZOLE 4 for ZOLE 4.5

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« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2013, 10:57:53 PM »

Well, with room and item flags, I probably won't use global flags anyway.  Thanks so much for your help!

Proud part of the IRCs #smwc and #ZOLE as BigT.

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