Primary Zelda Hacking

Oracles Hacking => Help => Topic started by: Klavice on July 18, 2010, 09:47:34 PM

Title: Rom Map
Post by: Klavice on July 18, 2010, 09:47:34 PM
Many games on DataCrystal have the offset locations for specific data in a "ROM Map".

Perhaps someone could find the offsets that change certain aspects of the game and we could build a ROM Map for the Oracle Games?

Title: Re: Rom Map
Post by: Jigglysaint on July 18, 2010, 10:00:33 PM
Well I can't give specifics, but I do know where much of the data that's needed to edit the game is found.

0000 - 3FFF:  Main program bank.  Contains link to data found all about the rom plus monster and object pointers.

4000 - 7FFF:  Contains things such as the minimap data for dungeons as well as pointers for tileset graphics and othe things.

8000 - BFFF:  Not sure, but Maple's screen flags are stored in this bank.

C000 - FFFF:  Not sure.

10000 - 13FFF - Area header data, region map pointers, room alteration data(several types and includes level 7's flooding rooms(pits only) and polution cleanup as well as crystal switch effects)).  Also contains warp data.

14000 - 17FFF - Contains stuff related to player imput and weapons.

18000 - 1BFFF - Contains block interactions and other data.

1C000 - 1FFFF - Various ASM including some data for the Cane of Someria.

20000 - 2FFFF - Interaction and sprite ASM.

30000 - 33FFF - Contains specialized game specific scripts used in various events.

34000 - 57FFF - Contains more interaction and sprite ASM.

That's it for now