Title: General Zelda Hacking Board Post by: Klavice on July 10, 2010, 02:55:45 AM While the Gameboy Zeldas are fun to hack, some people may want to hack Ocarina of Time or A Link to the Past.
Seeing as this is about Zelda, it should have a General Zelda Hacking board. Title: Re: General Zelda Hacking Board Post by: zelda7717 on August 18, 2012, 09:05:41 PM I think there should be an Ocarina of Time forum too, so I can post something in it. :mellow:
Title: Re: General Zelda Hacking Board Post by: Superjello on September 13, 2012, 06:49:11 AM There are already websites specifically designed around hacking for those Zelda games, Adding those types of things to this website would be useless. Sure this is primary Zelda hacking, BUT why add it here when there are places that are way more in depth with that type of hacking. This website specializes in GB Zelda hacking and there are other websites that specialize in OOT hacking and A Link To The Past hacking. Why not Google some of these things.