Primary Zelda Hacking

Oracles Hacking => Help => Topic started by: Xindaris on December 08, 2011, 05:01:30 PM

Title: Pot on Button-->open door?
Post by: Xindaris on December 08, 2011, 05:01:30 PM
I'm messing with the present maku path, map 4, and I wanted to make it so that pushing a button down will make the north door open, in a manner similar to Level 2 1F map 3C. I figured out how to make the button go up and down (The owl statue/trigger/switch interaction with ID 980), but I can't work out how to link that to the door opening. I've tried making a double-value interaction with ID 1E08 and Y 7, since this is a north door, but I must be missing something? The ID of the interaction in the Level 2 map is 1E05, but it's pointing to the east door, not the north one.

Title: Re: Pot on Button-->open door?
Post by: Fatories on December 09, 2011, 12:56:08 AM
Well first of all for a door that opens when a switch is pressed you would use interaction 1E04-07. 1E08-0B is the interaction used for doors that open via the death of all enemies in that room. The number you choose depends on what wall you want it on; the first number of the sequence is always the top, then to the right then the bottom and finally the left (04--top, 05--right, etc).
It seems you know already what the Y box is used for so I'll leave that out.

As for the X value, in case you were wondering, it shouldn't need to be touched unless you have multiple switches in your room and you want a certain switch to open the door.

If you ever forget how to make a door then visit the tutorial at:

Title: Re: Pot on Button-->open door?
Post by: Lin on December 09, 2011, 04:02:28 AM
You would get much faster and instructional answers if you were in the IRC.

Channel: #ZOLE

Title: Re: Pot on Button-->open door?
Post by: Xindaris on December 09, 2011, 03:17:31 PM
It now works! Thank you.

I tend to go to the IRC first when I have a question, but the last two or three times I did that I had poor timing and everybody was idle.