Primary Zelda Hacking

Oracles Hacking => Opinions and Experiments => Topic started by: Carim123 on August 14, 2010, 01:12:23 PM

Title: Pixies Forest map.
Post by: Carim123 on August 14, 2010, 01:12:23 PM
Well, I've been working on maps, in an Area, called Sprite's Forest, around the Second Dungeon; Level 2, Pixie's Palace

I've done 9 of the 34 maps needed for Sprite's Forest, but I just need an opinion around the Dungeon area.(

EDIT: Done more, just need to upload it.

Title: Re: Pixies Forest map.
Post by: Jigglysaint on August 14, 2010, 05:04:31 PM
Okay off the bat I noticed one thing wrong.  One of the treasure chests is positioned wrong.  Remember you can only open chests from the bottom, and if you try to from any other side, you will get a message that you can't open it from there.  I am sure that could be correctable, but in the meantime you need to position the chest so you can open it.  Second, oveworld chest space is pretty limited, and perhaps having two chests in the same area might be a bit much.

Other than that, pretty good.  As for dungeon, well you could make the map look like pixie wings.  I take it there will be multiple exits in the dungeon?  Will you keep the feather as the dungeon item?  If so remember that the feather chest data needs to be altered so it will come out of a chest.

Title: Re: Pixies Forest map.
Post by: Carim123 on August 14, 2010, 08:20:34 PM
The Chest thing, I can fix.

The Bottom-left Cave is the Dungeon, and the obtainable Item is the Switch-Hook, so it requires you to come back with the Feather to get the item.
The cave under the water is one of those generic mini-dungeons you can go through to get a ring, to extend play-time.
The three stairs that go below go to one specific cave, that is actually significant later on.
And the cave in the Mountainous area takes you to the...Mountain area.
Anyways, worked on a bit more, not updated anything yet, though. I'll start more sometime tommorow.

Title: Re: Pixies Forest map.
Post by: fauxrage on August 14, 2010, 09:42:53 PM
HAHA! Dude, I am LIKING IT! :D awesome job, keep up the good work. I like the color template used and with the landscape and the water gives it the crisp, night time feel. Awesome! :)

So this is the second dungeon in your hack? What item do you get in the first dungeon?

Title: Re: Pixies Forest map.
Post by: Fatories on August 28, 2010, 05:01:06 AM
 :001_huh: Well its most definitely interesting, although im not sure if its in a good or bad way. I'll have to see more of your work before I judge it.