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Other / General Discussion / Re: Hey Everyone
on: October 26, 2010, 07:31:44 PM
Thanks =D
I've got some shots for NSMB DS. I'll post them later tonight. Wii I'm just getting started with, but I could easily take some screens. Emerald hasn't started yet. This one is a group hack with multiple people, however I am familiarizing myself with the tools for Emerald.
Other / General Discussion / Hey Everyone
on: October 26, 2010, 05:05:30 PM
My name is m64m, and I'm prooooobably gonna start a Oracles hack.
I've had experience in hacking New Super Mario Bros. (both DS and Wii), and Pokemon Emerald.
In terms of skillsets, I used to be able to draw well, but I stopped about 2 years ago. Got a guitar, and taught myself how to play it. Looking to get a keyboard within the next few months.
With regards to coding, I'm learning basic C language, but not very well. The teacher is pretty bad, so it's unlikely that I'll be able to help with coding any tools or stuff like that. :/
Any kestions, feel free to ask ^__^
Other / General Discussion / Re: My New Song
on: October 26, 2010, 03:55:08 PM
Pretty awesome. I really liked the solo. Some notes seemed off from the rhythm in the solo, but it was still really epic.
How did you put drums into the song? I'd love to put some drums into some of my tracks.