Primary Zelda Hacking

Oracles Hacking => Lists => Topic started by: Fatories on February 14, 2011, 01:19:56 AM

Title: Ring List - Seasons
Post by: Fatories on February 14, 2011, 01:19:56 AM
Since I did a list for Oracle of Ages, law dictates I must for Oracle of Seasons. The problem with Oracle of Seasons though is that there is really only a handful of rings gained via chest while the rest are; dug up from underneath the earth, purchased via shops mainly Subrosia and given to you by NPCs like Zelda and the Ring Guru person man guy thing himself.

Here is what I have obtained so far, I'll go hunting for Ring Box values another time. So there is the ever so few rings you can choose from, of course I didn't hunt all too much so if there is indeed a ring I have missed, please feel free to swear at me and call me names, but make sure to tell me so I can add it to the list.

 #   |       Ring                   |  Code for Chest                            
  1  | Friendship Ring           | ??              
  2  | Power Ring L-1           |2D0E                  
  3  | Power Ring L-2           |??                                                
  4  | Power Ring L-3           |2D0F                                            
  5  | Armor Ring L-1           |??
  6  | Armor Ring L-2           |2D0B
  7  | Armor Ring L-3           |??
  8  | Red Ring                   |??
  9  | Blue Ring                  |??
 10  | Green Ring               |??
 11  | Cursed Ring             |??
 12  | Expert's Ring            |??
 13  | Blast Ring                |2D07
 14  | Rang Ring L-1          |2D08
 15  | GBA Time Ring          |??
 16  | Maple's Ring             |??
 17  | Steadfast Ring          |2D06
 18  | Pegasus Ring            |??
 19  | Toss Ring                |??
 20  | Heart Ring L-1          |??
 21  | Heart Ring L-2          |??
 22  | Swimmer's Ring         |??
 23  | Charge Ring             |??
 24  | Light Ring L-1           |??
 25  | Light Ring L-2           |??
 26  | Bomber's Ring           |??
 27  | Green Luck Ring        |??
 28  | Blue Luck Ring          |??
 29  | Gold Luck Ring          |??
 30  | Red Luck Ring           |??
 31  | Green Holy Ring         |??
 32  | Blue Holy Ring           |??
 33  | Red Holy Ring           |??
 34  | Snowshoe Ring         |2D0D
 35  | Roc's Ring                |??
 36  | Quicksand Ring         |2D0A
 37  | Red Joy Ring             |??
 38  | Blue Joy Ring            |??
 39  | Gold Joy Ring            |??
 40  | Green Joy Ring          |??
 41  | Discovery Ring          |2D04
 42  | Rang Ring L-2           |??
 43  | Octo Ring                |2D09
 44  | Moblin Ring              |2D05
 45  | Like Like Ring           |??
 46  | Subrosian Ring         |2D10
 47  | First Gen Ring          |??
 48  | Spin Ring                |2D0C
 49  | Bombproof Ring        |??
 50  | Energy Ring             |??
 51  | Dbl. Edge Ring          |??
 52  | GBA Nature Ring       |??
 53  | Slayer's Ring            |??
 54  | Rupee Ring              |??
 55  | Victory Ring             |??
 56  | Sign Ring                |??
 57  | 100th Ring              |??
 58  | Whisp Ring              |??
 59  | Gasha Ring              |??
 60  | Peace Ring              |??
 61  | Zora Ring                |??
 62  | Fist Ring                 |??
 63  | Whimsical Ring         |??
 64  | Protection Ring        |??