This is my GameBoy assembler I've been working on for a while and it's finally ready. Here's a screenshot:

This program was written to be the best GameBoy assembler out there. It also features a disassembler capable of some advanced methods. Here's a full unique feature list:
-Dynamic addressing (AKA label support, and the ability to call and jump to them)
-Code highlighting
-White space can be ignored, so instructions like " ld a , 5F" will assemble successfully. It should be noted that spaces and other characters act the same as commas, so don't feel like you need a comma just because it's proper
-Error checking on-the-spot and highlighting
-Support for just assembling code right away without opening a ROM
-Read-only zones that prevent code from being written in certain areas
-Rewrite zones, which fill a specified area with 00s so you can safely rewrite a chunk of code
-Code previewing, which shows where your code will be written line-by-line
-Safe file IO (warnings when you would lose your code if it was unsaved)
-Code insertion - "This generates code compatible with any language that uses curcly-bracket array assigning in the case you might want to make software automatically insert your assembly into a ROM. This only generates the code containing the values, so you still have to write them to the proper addresses yourself."
-Trace disassembling - the disassembler will start at a certain point and follow jumps, calls, and returns until the call stack is empty
-Bank-changing emulation - this is very weak and only emulates LD A,# and LD (####),A instructions, but when the accumulator is written to 2000-2FFF, the program will attempt to change the current bank if possible. Perhaps full emulation will come in the future
Finally, here's the download:
MediafireMy site