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1  Oracles Hacking / Help / Re: Startup, When Link falls on: August 05, 2011, 11:07:09 PM
Oh, okay, I understand. Thanks!
2  Oracles Hacking / Help / Startup, When Link falls on: July 23, 2011, 08:45:02 PM

Please keep in mind that I'm not speaking of anything before the character selection. By start up, I mean what happens right after you chose your text speed.

So. In the game Oracle of Ages, the "start up" of the game differs from Oracle of Seasons with two important elements, storyline aside. The blue/red glow around Link changes to match the game, and the fact that link is standing up after his fall in Oracle of Ages, and lying down in Oracle of Seasons.

I would like to change my hack's start up. I know the glow's color is changeable, as I've seen in the Oracle of Nature hack. If you would like to share how you guys did this, I would really be glad Smiley However, it's not really important right now.

For Link's "position" though, I wonder: I am currently hacking Oracle of Ages and I would like him to be lying down on the ground, like in OoS. Would that be possible? My hack is growing good and I am working more and more on my storyline recently, and I always find that awkward that Link falls on his feet. I just can't make it "right" with my storyline.  

Thanks!  Smiley
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