Title: Common Questions and Answers Post by: Lin on June 25, 2010, 09:57:19 PM Thank you for checking this topic before posting a new one. Here you'll find some common questions and the answers to them. If your question isn't here, feel free to post a new one.
Q: When do I have to save for my changes to not be lost? A: Basically when editing anything in the main window. All dialogues (separate windows) will write to the buffer as soon as you click OK on them. This means after the window closes (Note this doesn't apply if you hit the Cancel button instead) your changes are technically saved. But, no matter what you do, the only way to write to the real file is to click the Save button. Q: Why isn't my chest working? A: First off, make sure the YX is the same location as your chest's location. If your Item is freezing make sure to use ZOCF to fix that. Q: How do I edit Minimaps and Dungeon names? A: Q: How come the game froze after going into a room? A: You have added too many interactions. Try not to add more than 10. Some interactions may write more to the memory than others, so be careful. Q: Why does ZOLE crash when I open my ROM? A: Obviously, be sure its a Zelda Oracle of Ages (U) or Zelda Oracle of Seasons (U) ROM. Second, the file size must be 1MB. Third, make sure it's not read-only. To do this, right-click on the file, click "Properties", and un-check "Read-only". Q: How can I make my own tilesets? A: Q: When will you add full Seasons compatibility? A: Some time in the future. Maybe. Q: How can I edit cut scenes like the credits or the intro? A: You can't, and you never will be able to. Simple as that. That's it for now. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them. Title: Re: Common Questions and Answers Post by: Mue on June 28, 2010, 11:39:45 AM Hi Lin, firstly, I'd like to thank you for making this editor. I've always wanted to edit OOA/OOS and now I can, thank you.
Secondly, I have a question to ask. Where are the maps for indoor houses? I cannot seem to find them at all... and what is with the yellow boxes in the unmapped areas? EDIT: How does one add sprites such as NPC's? Also, how does one make a warp work exactly? I want to be able to make Link enter those cave entrance tiles and enter the cave... Title: Re: Common Questions and Answers Post by: Leod on June 28, 2010, 12:45:21 PM Simple question:
How can I change the map a chest uses? I can't find a "Map" field in the chest editor, so I'm pretty confused. Title: Re: Common Questions and Answers Post by: fauxrage on June 28, 2010, 03:35:42 PM Hi Lin, firstly, I'd like to thank you for making this editor. I've always wanted to edit OOA/OOS and now I can, thank you. Maps for the indoor houses are normally found in the extra space in the underwater present or past. Look towards the right side and the bottom of the Map after selecting "Underwater Present" or "Underwater Past." As to NPC's, the only knowledge I have on those is that they are events called "common regular events." If you want a particular NPC to appear, find him/her and copy the ID from his/her event. I do not know how to change an NPC's appearance. Warps are tricky but simple once mastered. They are similar to editing a treasure in the way that you must find one from a different map and swap it to your map. The only categories you need to mess with are: Dest. Group (the map group where the warp leads. Present Overworld = 0, Past Overworld = 1, etc.), the Map category (the map in which you step into the warp) and then Destination Map and Position. Destination Map and Position are both located in the "Follow and edit warp" button. The Destination Map is the map that the warp will lead you to, ie 3A when you exit the house where the Harp of Ages is found. The Position is the coordinates on the map where the warp will place you.Secondly, I have a question to ask. Where are the maps for indoor houses? I cannot seem to find them at all... and what is with the yellow boxes in the unmapped areas? EDIT: How does one add sprites such as NPC's? Also, how does one make a warp work exactly? I want to be able to make Link enter those cave entrance tiles and enter the cave... Simple question: How can I change the map a chest uses? I can't find a "Map" field in the chest editor, so I'm pretty confused. The "Map" You're looking for, is a map that contains a treasure. Look for a map that has a treasure on it, MAKE SURE IT IS IN THE SAME MAP GROUP (present overworld, past overworld, etc.) and look at the ID of the map. For example, the treasure you pass on your way to go visit Nayru for the first time is located in map "49". When you're using the chest editor, have the engine search for map 49 and swap map data, then align your Y/X values with the treasure tile you have placed on the map. The ID is what happens when the treasure is opened. Lin has posted a weapons list to acheive certain weapons from a chest and a chest fixer program to help prevent glitching. Do Not take my word for it, but I believe Lin is working on a tutorial for both the warps and the treasures. Title: Re: Common Questions and Answers Post by: Leod on June 28, 2010, 03:59:20 PM Ah, thanks for telling me the swap thing.
Now I can finally go on. Title: Re: Common Questions and Answers Post by: Fatories on June 28, 2010, 04:05:21 PM Thanks for answering this helps me out to :)
Title: Re: Common Questions and Answers Post by: pikaguy900 on June 28, 2010, 10:07:02 PM I'm a little confused on this... How do I remove an interaction from a room/map? I can't seem to figure out what most of this stuff does since there's nothing stating what everything does.
Title: Re: Common Questions and Answers Post by: Fatories on June 29, 2010, 02:24:05 AM Well to remove an interaction simply just check the box visible then press the arrow keys below the box until you come to the interaction you want to delete. Then just click delete.
Title: Re: Common Questions and Answers Post by: Mue on June 29, 2010, 06:00:37 AM I've got another question... when I want to swap a chest from a map to my map, it won't let me swap.
The situation is, I want the chest to be on map 58, and I want to swap with the map 6D (This is all on the past overworld btw). Unfortunately, the chest editor doesn't recognize 6D for some strange reason. What is going on? :confused1: Title: Re: Common Questions and Answers Post by: Lin on June 29, 2010, 06:16:44 AM Aah crap, I didn't make it so you could go above map 64. So instead of checking 6D, you're checking 64... *facepalm* Why did I make it like that?
Title: Re: Common Questions and Answers Post by: Mue on June 29, 2010, 07:43:16 AM Heh, its fine, we all make mistakes. :001_tongue:
EDIT: It seems I have a new problem on my hands. I've got the chest nearly working but there's a slight problem with it. What I have is, you open the chest, and you get 50 rupees, that's good. However, if you leave the screen and re-enter it, the chest is closed again and you can open it for more rupees. Leave the screen again and the same thing continuously happens. Why is this? Also, what does ticking Map First box do? AFAIK, it makes the chest give one rupee rather than what I set it to carry... EDIT2: Crap... I think I stumbled over a bad problem... (http://i383.photobucket.com/albums/oo273/benzadab/wowwhat.png) The trees have green lava tiles... I have no idea what I did. Help? EDIT3: Fixed. |