Primary Zelda Hacking

Oracles Hacking => Lists => Topic started by: Lin on June 29, 2010, 02:48:39 AM

Title: Enemy List (Full List)
Post by: Lin on June 29, 2010, 02:48:39 AM
Well, it's unfinished, but should be done tonight. Maybe someone would find use of it at this point though. To see what the enemy is according to its name (Cause nobody knows those), go here:

But use this for IDs when creating enemies (Type 6 or 7). Every ID skipped (Mostly the right half) are either duplicates of the first one or just glitches.

100 - Twinrova Final Form
200 - Veran Final Form
300 - Twinrova double-witch form
400 - Ganon
500 - Some sort of cloud thing
600 - Veran second form (Turns into the flying thing)
700 - Level 8 Boss
800 - River Zora
900 - Red Octorok
 901 - Red Octorok
 902 - Blue Octorok
A00 - Red Moblin (Boomerang)
 A01 - Blue Moblin (Boomerang)
B00 - Red Leever
 B01 - Blue Leever
 B02 - Gold Leever
C00 - Red Moblin (Arrow)
 C01 - Blue Moblin (Arrow)
 C02 - Gold Moblin (Arrow)
D00 - Red Lynel
 D01 - Blue Lynel
 D02 - Gold Lynel
E00 - Spinning Blade Trap
 E01 - Blue Blade Trap
 E02 - Orange Blade Trap
 E03 - Oracle of Seasons Level 3 Circle-Motioned Green Blade Trap
 E04 - Same as E03 but different motion
 E05 - Green Blade Trap
F00 - Enemy "explosion" (defeated)
1000 - Land Rope (snake)
 1001 - Falling Rope (snake)
1100 - Mini Eye (off-screen)
1200 - Gibdo (mummy)
1300 - Spark
1400 - Spiked Beetle
1500 - Bubble
1600 - Beamos (turret)
1700 - Floating Ghini (poe)
 1701 - Unvealing Floating Ghini
1800 - Buzz Blob
1900 - Whisp
1A00 - Sand Crab
1B00 - Grassed Spiny Beetle (Overworld)
 1B01 - Grassed Spiny Beetle (Dungeon)
 1B02 - Potted Spiny Beetle
 1B03 - Rocked Spiny Beetle (Overworld)
 1B04 - Blocked Spiny Beetle (Dungeon)
1C00 - Iron Mask (Shelled)
 1C01 - Iron Mask (Unshelled)
1D00 - Nothing (Needs bit 7 set)
 1D80 - Armos that lights up red.
 1D81 - Armos that lights up blue and can be damaged with sword.
1E00 - Shark
1F00 - Unknown... Bad paletted shape with Crow AI?
2000 - Pink Moblin Pig (Arrow)
 2001 - Blue Moblin Pig (Arrow)
2100 - Red Darknut (Arrow)
 2101 - Blue Darknut (Arrow)
 2102 - Gold Darknut (Arrow)
2200 - Shrouded Stalfos (Arrow)
2300 - Pols Voice
2400 - Like Like
2500 - Goponga Flower
 2501 - Strange Goponga Flower
2600 - Nothing?
2700 - Grassed Shooting Shrub (Overworld)
 2701 - Grassed Shooting Shrub (Dungeon)
 2702 - Potted Shooting Shrub
 2703 - Rocked Shooting Shrub (Overworld)
 2704 - Blocked Shooting Shrub (Dungeon)
2800 - Red Wallmaster (Long delay)
 2801 - Red Wallmaster (Short delay)
2900 - Jumping lava face
 2901 - Harmless lava ball
2A00 - Green Giant Blade Trap
 2A01 - Blue Giant Blade Trap
 2A02 - Red Giant Blade Trap
 2A03 - Orange Giant Blade Trap
2B00 - Nothing?
2C00 - Horizontal Cheep Cheep
 2C01 - Vertical Cheep Cheep
2D00 - Fire Pokey
2E00 - Mini-Thwomp
2F00 - Thwomp
3000 - Orange Tektite
 3001 - Blue Tektite
3100 - Blue Stalfos
 3101 - Red Stalfos
 3102 - Orange Stalfos
 3103 - Green Stalfos
3200 - Constantly Flying Keese (bat)
 3201 - Landing Keese (bat)
3300 - Mini Cuccoo
3400 - Green Zol
 3401 - Red Zol
3500 - Blue Floormaster (7)
3600 - Cuccoo
3700 - Butterfly
3800 - Big Healing Fairy
3900 - Flying Fire Keese (bat)
 3901 - Burn-leaving Fire Keese (bat)
3A00 - Water Tektite
3B00 - Giant Cuccoo (Damages until you hurt it)
3C00 - Bari (jellyfish)
 3C01 - Biri (jellyfish)
3D00 - Red Moblin (Sword)
 3D01 - Blue Moblin (Sword)
3E00 - Peahat
3F00 - Boss mini-ghost
4000 - Green Wizzrobe
 4001 - Red Wizzrobe
 4002 - Blue Wizzrobe
4100 - Positioned Crow
 4101 - Room-bordered Crow (Like in Goron Mountains)
4200 - Seasons Moth mini-moth
4300 - Gel
4400 - Nothing?
4500 - Pincer
 4501 - Pincer (Head only)
4600 - Nothing?
4700 - Tile-specific Gel (Depends on floor color)
4800 - Red Darknut (Sword)
 4801 - Blue Darknut (Sword)
 4802 - Gold Darknut (Sword)
4900 - Shrouded Stalfos (Sword)
4A00 - Pink Moblin Pig (Sword)
 4A01 - Blue Moblin Pig (Sword)
4B00 - Ball and Chain Trooper
4C00 - Positioned Crow 2 (Raven) (Stronger)
 4C01 - Room-bordered Crow (Like in Goron Mountains) (Only 1)
4D00 - Hardhat Beetle
4E00 - Arm Mimic
4F00 - Mini Moldorm
 4F01 - Mini Moldorm (Head only)
5000 - Torch Fireball (From Center-Top of room)
5100 - Beetle Spawner (spider spawner)
 5101 - Beetle (spider)
5200 - Spinning Tile Group (Ground pattern 1)
 5101 - Spinning Tile Group (Ground pattern 2)
 5202 - Spinning Tile Group (Ground pattern 3)
5300 - Green Dragonfly (Used in Seasons Fall areas)
 5301 - Blue Dragonfly
 5302 - Red Dragonfly
 5303 - Orange Dragonflt
 5304 - Glowing Blue Dragonfly
 5305 - Glowing Orange Dragonfly
 5306 - Glowing Blue/Black Dragonfly
 5307 - Glowing White Dragonfly
5400 - Patrolling Guard Pattern 1 (Ambi's Palace Knight)
 5401 - Patrolling Guard Pattern 2
5500 - Candlehead

Bosses + Minibosses (Thanks to Zerpha)

7000 - Giant Ghini (Level 1 Miniboss (70XX makes a level 1 Miniboss with misplaced minighosts.)
7100 - Swoop (Level 2 Miniboss; that winged Masticore thingie. In my case, falling down the cracked floor caused by its impact brought me to the top left corner in the present Maku Path. I was in the Past Maku Path.)
7200 - Subterror (Level 3 Miniboss - the blue mole with the driller nose)
7300 - Armos Warrior (Level 4 Miniboss - that one with the big golden spinning sword)
7400 - Smasher (Level 5 Miniboss - you might remember it from Link's Awakening - except cooler, due to annoying squeaking sounds)
7500 - Vire (Level 6 Miniboss - Veran's/Onox's Asshamster)
7600 - Angler Fish (Level 7 Miniboss - not that one from Link's Awakening, that bouncing one you could bust with Scent Seeds)
7700 - Blue Stalfos (Level 8 Miniboss - a.k.a. the Grim Reaper )
7800 - Pumpkin Head (Level 1 Boss)
7900 - Head Thwomp (Level 2 Boss - funny fight not in a sidescroller room )
7A00 - Shadow Hag (Level 3 Boss)
7B00 - Eyesoar (Level 4 Boss)
7C00 - Smog (Level 5 Boss - it will just disappear when not in his special room with the reset switch apparently...)
7D00 - Octogon (Level 6 Boss - this one has integration problems as well, since he dies in the upper left corner...)
7E00 - Plasmarine (Level 7 Boss - funny fight while on land, swinging your sword at him makes him change his color, and he's invulnerable to bombs)
7F00 - Moblin King (This one got his place here instead of Ramrock, the Level 8 boss. His code is already written down by Lin - 700)

Also, would anyone happen to know what this is (1F00)? It looks like some sort of bee.


Title: Re: Enemy List
Post by: Jigglysaint on June 29, 2010, 03:37:48 AM
I think the bee thing is what's summoned when Veran is in her bee form.

Title: Re: Enemy List (Full List)
Post by: Lin on June 29, 2010, 04:25:17 AM
Aah. It's been a while, so I'm not sure. Also, if you noticed, the Seasons Moth Lair boss's little things it shoots out is there. There are also other Seasons npcs with full AI. I wonder if there's even more stuff in both games, like the Rod of Seasons graphics are in Ages...

Title: Re: Enemy List (Full List)
Post by: Fatories on June 29, 2010, 03:06:40 PM
Great, unfinished or not theres still a shit load of enemies to use.

Title: Re: Enemy List (Full List)
Post by: Jigglysaint on June 30, 2010, 12:08:18 AM
You know, I found it odd that in Ages, there are a few banks that contain multiple instances of the same sequence of data.  My theory is that Seasons, which was originally supposed to be a LOZ remake, was retooled into Seasons, then the engine was used to create Ages.

Title: Re: Enemy List (Full List)
Post by: Lin on June 30, 2010, 12:15:33 AM
Huh. I always kinda thought Seasons was remaking some bit of Zelda I too, with the first boss and all. I have no idea which came first though, as I've barely covered any of the ROM yet. The only bank I know a lot about is bank 4, only because it's used for so much. But your theory is pretty interesting...

Title: Re: Enemy List (Full List)
Post by: Zerpha on September 23, 2010, 03:16:32 PM
I noticed that 904 (up to 9FF) provides a Gold Octorok. (26 hits with L-1 Sword)

Kind of weird that 900/901 make a red one and 902/903 a blue one while all other red/blue/gold creatures use XX00 for red, XX01 for blue and XX02 for gold  :001_tongue:

What a pity that Vacuum ( neither appears in Ages nor Seasons :( They were one of my favorites.
Imagine a boss fight with one of these in an unreachable corner :D

Title: Re: Enemy List (Full List)
Post by: Zerpha on September 23, 2010, 04:35:43 PM
Wow, a lot of those codes that come after 4F01 make the game freeze after having entered the room or trying to approach that "data pixel thing".
4F02+4F04 put the smaller body parts of the Moldorm to that place, another one started the Twinrova transformation sequence (without her being visible) and then turning the room all dark until you hit Start or Select.

I made one lucky hit though:

5F00 - purple Hardhat Beetle
(Those that just push you away instead of hurting you, which are found during the game for repairing the Tuni Nut.)

6400 - Dark Link
(Those of which four are created when Veran reveals her second green Demon form.
Moves like Arm Mimic. Takes 6 hits. Always drops a Heart)

Those blue Crystals from the Goron Seed Shooter game. Fixed positions on the map, depending on their number (6302 for example is on the upper right corner, those with higher numbers move up and down)

Twine seed. Again their positions seem to be dependant from their two last digits, although with high digits they always end up on the upper left corner...

Trigger that appears after defeating possessed Queen Ambi (no palette errors) - results in fighting Veran's Demon Form.

Here is a bunch of rather useless, albeit funny ones:

Possessed Nayru with Palette error (not pixellated, but with red-black inversed colors)
Possessed Queen Ambi with Palette error (same as above)

Recovering-from-faint-red-black-inversed-color-Nayru-sprite that's moving in a circle like that green Blade Trap.

Queen Ambi spreading her arms to heaven, floating and following you until you leave the room.
(Well she doesn't really float but it looks like that)

Unknown blue sprite...maybe Nayru's first planned appearance, or some girl from Holodrum (didn't play Seasons that much)

Much more orbit-like floating weird sprites...there is likely some AI movement of a boss hidden behind this, possibly that one from Vire or Veran.

Screws the entire screen over time with wrong tiles.

This time Nayru is actually floating. When approaching her, she tells the Great Fearies' phrase, but then no heal occurs and you are struck.
I think this number could actually be useful when using it with the right sort of interaction.

6127: Party hard.

6128: Invincible inversed colors Ambi of death: Try to touch her or even hurt her with your sword, and it will cost you a full heart.

...ok, i've tried everything up to 612F, there doesn't seem to be anything useful, so i'll stop ranting about the crappy stuff i found here now  :blushing:

Title: Re: Enemy List (Full List)
Post by: Jigglysaint on September 23, 2010, 05:24:45 PM
Actually, if I recall, there are two Octorok movement types, which is why there are 2 for red, and 2 for blue.  Gold is just fast so it gets it's own.

Title: Re: Enemy List (Full List)
Post by: Zerpha on September 23, 2010, 05:37:27 PM
Oh alright, i never noticed any difference. Good catch.
Then it makes sense of course :D

Title: Re: Enemy List (Full List)
Post by: Zerpha on September 23, 2010, 06:31:25 PM
Alright, i found the bosses and minibosses. They are all stored in 70XX:

7000 - Giant Ghini (Level 1 Miniboss (70XX makes a level 1 Miniboss with misplaced minighosts.)
7100 - Swoop (Level 2 Miniboss; that winged Masticore thingie. In my case, falling down the cracked floor caused by its impact brought me to the top left corner in the present Maku Path. I was in the Past Maku Path.)
7200 - Subterror (Level 3 Miniboss - the blue mole with the driller nose)
7300 - Armos Warrior (Level 4 Miniboss - that one with the big golden spinning sword)
7400 - Smasher (Level 5 Miniboss - you might remember it from Link's Awakening - except cooler, due to annoying squeaking sounds)
7500 - Vire (Level 6 Miniboss - Veran's/Onox's Asshamster)
7600 - Angler Fish (Level 7 Miniboss - not that one from Link's Awakening, that bouncing one you could bust with Scent Seeds)
7700 - Blue Stalfos (Level 8 Miniboss - a.k.a. the Grim Reaper :bored:)
7800 - Pumpkin Head (Level 1 Boss)
7900 - Head Thwomp (Level 2 Boss - funny fight not in a sidescroller room ;))
7A00 - Shadow Hag (Level 3 Boss)
7B00 - Eyesoar (Level 4 Boss)
7C00 - Smog (Level 5 Boss - it will just disappear when not in his special room with the reset switch apparently...)
7D00 - Octogon (Level 6 Boss - this one has integration problems as well, since he dies in the upper left corner...)
7E00 - Plasmarine (Level 7 Boss - funny fight while on land, swinging your sword at him makes him change his color, and he's invulnerable to bombs)
7F00 - Moblin King (This one got his place here instead of Ramrock, the Level 8 boss. His code is already written down by Lin - 700)

Title: Re: Enemy List (Full List)
Post by: Jandazekon on September 26, 2010, 03:27:42 PM
Is it possible to have vacuum enemy from awakening in ages and seasons?

Title: Re: Enemy List (Full List)
Post by: Lin on July 11, 2011, 10:22:35 AM
Updated to include Armos.

Title: Re: Enemy List (Full List)
Post by: Reflux on September 20, 2012, 12:44:24 PM
The Enemy IDs in Seasons are mostly identical, with some exceptions:

0200: Onox (1st Phase; does not spawn imprisoned Din, so the floor does not collapse after defeating the 2nd phase; using Type 4 Interaction 56C7 instead seems to work fine)
0500: Onox (Dragon form)
0600: Gleeok (L7 Boss; does not enter 2nd phase even if both heads are killed)
0700: Great Moblin (does nothing?)
0F00: Rolling Log (2 Tiles Long)
   0F01: Rolling Log (3 Tiles long)
   0F02: Rolling Log (4 Tiles Long)
   0F03: Rolling Log (5 Tiles)
   0F04: Rolling Log (6 Tiles)
   0F05: Rolling Log (7 Tiles)
   0F06: Rolling Log (8 Tiles)
   0F07: Rolling Log (9 Tiles)
1100: Pokey
2B00: Glitched Flame Graphic with Spinning Blade Trap AI
   2B01/2B02: Flame Graphic with Blade Trap AI
   2B03: Flame with circular motion
3C00: Magnite
3F00: nothing?
4200: nothing?
4600: Green Hopping Flame from L4 Boss
   4601: Blue Flame from L4 Boss
   4602: Red Flame from L4 Boss
   4603: Yellow Flame from L4 Boss
   4604: Yellow Flame from L4 Boss (different movement pattern)
4700: Small Moth from L3 Boss
5000: nothing?
5300: nothing?
5400: Blaino (no AI)
5500: Small Form of L5 Boss
5B00: Sand from Ship cutscene
5C00: Wall Flamethrower (as seen in Map 94 in L5)

7000: L1 Miniboss
7100: Facade (L2 Miniboss)
7200: L3 Miniboss
7300: L4 Miniboss (does not work properly outside of his room)
7400: L5 Miniboss
7500: Vire
7600: Ghost from L7 (The one with the fire attack)
7700: nothing?
7800: nothing?
7900: Dodongo (L2 Boss)
7A00: Mothula (L3 Boss)
7B00: Gohma (L4 Boss)
7C00: Digdogger (L5 Boss)
7D00: Manhandla (L6 Boss)
7E00: Ghost from L7 (Sword)

I suspect that 7700 and 7800 are the L8 Miniboss and L1 Boss, respectively, but need some other Interaction in order to work.

7F00 is probably Medelock (L8 Boss), but it also does not spawn, likely for the same reason.

After that, there does not appear to be any working enemy.