Primary Zelda Hacking

Other => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kishin on July 11, 2011, 01:31:32 PM

Title: Hello
Post by: Kishin on July 11, 2011, 01:31:32 PM
since there's no section specifically for introductions, i guess it belongs here.

hello, i'm Kishin! i'm 18, i've got 15 and a half years of gaming experience on my back (yes, i had a game console when i was 2, Colecovision and Atari 2600)

Gaming Likes: Zombie-related FPS games, anything Zelda (with the exception of Spirit tracks, which was a real disgrace to the zelda titles) Call of Duty games, Infamous 1&2, Prototype, etc.

Gaming Dislikes: Moronic teammates, campers, children w/ high pitched voices, noobtubers, cheaters, etc.

Modding/Hacking experience:
I helped test a Multiplayer LAN/Internet Version of Zelda Ocarina of Time that the developer quit working on, it was going to be called ZeldaLink but it never got finished.

Started my own mod with ZOLE but lost all the data in a computer crash.

Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Fatories on July 11, 2011, 04:36:36 PM
Welcome to the forums Kishin, I hope you enjoy your ZOLE hacking experience :P If you end up making a hack definitely post screen shots, screen shots feed everyone on the forums, and if you have any questions feel free to ask for help here on the forums or on the ZOLE IRC (check the IRC topic in the announcements forum for details).