Design is still in early stages, and there are some issues with lining up, and coloring etc.


Right now, you go by the goron place on your way out, its because a scripted even is inplace and I cannot get out the way intended, so its a temporary fix, the door isnt even active until Day 2 / Night 2.

Floor in room 2 still needs to be scripted to turn from water to ice *You hit the button it turns the water into ice, in that room, then you get your flippers in the next room*
The game is taking a few idea's from other zelda games.
Instead of time *kinda lame to me*
How time works in OOD:
You start on Day 1. Once you get the item, you can go between day 1 and night 1.
Once you hit half way mark through the game, you will have an event. . . .
And you are now at day 2. And can go between day 2 and night 2. Unlocking new area's of the game.
*same system as OOT, not like majora mask of course, as you get certain objectivs the underwater overworld will take over etc.
Only being able to go from day 1 to night 1 *vice versa* and day 2 to night 2 *vice versa*
Entire plot of the game takes place between 2 days, and you can time travel between day and night.
You start infront of the first level. However you cant progress past the first room. You need a sword. So you head to the northernmost chest.
Getting there is done by trickery, by holding left against the ledge into the mountain / rocks you do a weird fall infront of the sword, getting your level 1 sword, and ready to take on the first dungeon.
Issues i'm having:
Event with the moveable vine nuts.
Power Bracelet and Shovel are pivotal items in the game for exploring and as such will not be given away lightly.
We have 16+ More dungeons to go, We have an entire day 2 and night 2 to go *which will be our 3rd and 4th overworlds*
I'm in this for the longhaul.