Title: 'Showtext' Post by: Gamma 31 on November 14, 2010, 02:46:43 AM 'scuse me for sounding dumb, but what would be the two values for Showtext? Do you have to find the address in the Text editor and divide it into two parts?
Also, I wrote a simple "Spawncommon" interaction using Queen Ambi's ID (4D00) and this happened after a few seconds: Title: Re: 'Showtext' Post by: Lin on November 14, 2010, 03:41:51 AM I honestly have NO idea. I guess I assumed people would insert random values, check what the text is, find that text in ZOTE, and work from there. Eventually (eventually) I'll get around to it.
And as for the bug thing, I'm not sure. You are writing it as "spawncommon 4D 00 yy xx" correct? Title: Re: 'Showtext' Post by: Gamma 31 on November 14, 2010, 08:46:01 PM Yeah, I did.
Hey, did anyone in this game refer to a 'Dark Realm'? I'm compiling a list of text values, and 5B01 says something about Veran 'extending the Dark Realm's reach.' I don't remember anything like that, but I think the text is from Twinrova. Here's an error that VBA gave me: 'Unkown opcode dd at 0120'. Title: Re: 'Showtext' Post by: Lin on November 16, 2010, 02:14:45 PM Hmm... I've gotten that error before but it's probably the most common one. My guess is it's an interrupt bug and I have to write some past values for when the interrupt cycle occurs and finishes. Who knows though.