Primary Zelda Hacking

Link's Awakening Hacking => Suggestions => Topic started by: ArchProctor on June 17, 2013, 06:14:43 PM

Title: Repointing what the *actual* owl says
Post by: ArchProctor on June 17, 2013, 06:14:43 PM
We can repoint signs and owl statues, but what if we wanted to place the annoying OW owl on a new map? The default value for what a new owl says is 0x0, where Tarin says he's got something to tell ya.

I suppose we'd be limited to the number of owls that previously existed?

Title: Re: Repointing what the OW Owl says
Post by: Fatories on June 17, 2013, 07:47:53 PM
I am almost certain that overworld owl statues are the exact same as signs. Looking at maps that already contain the owls with the sign editor shows that they have a pointer to the text they use. They are just signs, but they look like owls.

Title: Re: Repointing what the OW Owl says
Post by: ArchProctor on June 17, 2013, 08:57:00 PM
Oh I meant the actual owl, object 0x41.

Title: Re: Repointing what the *actual* owl says
Post by: Jigglysaint on June 30, 2013, 01:32:00 AM
I looked into the overworld Owl and all it does is use a gigantic ASM script to determine where and when the owl appears.  I think the text is also hardcoded in as well.

Title: Re: Repointing what the *actual* owl says
Post by: ArchProctor on July 06, 2013, 01:41:29 AM
That so? Ah well, it's no big deal. Thanks for explaining.