Title: Ring List - Ages Post by: Fatories on June 28, 2010, 04:47:31 PM I don't know what I was thinking when I started this list but here it is. As you can tell theres quite a lot missing (mainly useless ones) and this is because they aren't obtainable via chest. The ones that arn't there can only be obtained through maple, a gasha seed, the ring dude or by transfering the rings over.
If there is in fact a ring on this list that I missed or if one of the codes in wrong then please tell me so I can edit this as soon as possible. ----+----------------------+------------------------------------ Also here are the codes for ring boxes. They require # | Ring | Code for Chest the use of ZOCF, while the rings themselves don't. ----+----------------------+------------------------------------ 1 | Friendship Ring | ?? Ring Box L-1: 2C00 2 | Power Ring L-1 |2D0E Ring Box L-2: 2C01 3 | Power Ring L-2 |2D1B Ring Box L-3: 2C02 4 | Power Ring L-3 |2D0F Ring Box Sold in the Shop (One time only): 4700 5 | Armor Ring L-1 |2D17 6 | Armor Ring L-2 |2D0B 7 | Armor Ring L-3 |2D1F 8 | Red Ring |?? 9 | Blue Ring |2D27 10 | Green Ring |?? 11 | Cursed Ring |?? 12 | Expert's Ring |?? 13 | Blast Ring |2D07 14 | Rang Ring L-1 |2D08 15 | GBA Time Ring |?? 16 | Maple's Ring |2D24 17 | Steadfast Ring |2D06 18 | Pegasus Ring |2D1E 19 | Toss Ring |2D26 20 | Heart Ring L-1 |2D0D 21 | Heart Ring L-2 |?? 22 | Swimmer's Ring |2D0C 23 | Charge Ring |?? 24 | Light Ring L-1 |2D19 25 | Light Ring L-2 |?? 26 | Bomber's Ring |?? 27 | Green Luck Ring |2D20 28 | Blue Luck Ring |2D1A 29 | Gold Luck Ring |2D1C 30 | Red Luck Ring |2D11 31 | Green Holy Ring |2D21 32 | Blue Holy Ring |?? 33 | Red Holy Ring |2D22 34 | Snowshoe Ring |?? 35 | Roc's Ring |2D1D 36 | Quicksand Ring |2D0A 37 | Red Joy Ring |?? 38 | Blue Joy Ring |?? 39 | Gold Joy Ring |2D16 40 | Green Joy Ring |?? 41 | Discovery Ring |2D04 42 | Rang Ring L-2 |?? 43 | Octo Ring |2D09 44 | Moblin Ring |2D05 45 | Like Like Ring |2D28 46 | Subrosian Ring |2D10 47 | First Gen Ring |?? 48 | Spin Ring |?? 49 | Bombproof Ring |?? 50 | Energy Ring |?? 51 | Dbl. Edge Ring |2D18 52 | GBA Nature Ring |?? 53 | Slayer's Ring |?? 54 | Rupee Ring |?? 55 | Victory Ring |?? 56 | Sign Ring |?? 57 | 100th Ring |?? 58 | Whisp Ring |2D23 59 | Gasha Ring |?? 60 | Peace Ring |?? 61 | Zora Ring |?? 62 | Fist Ring |?? 63 | Whimsical Ring |2D25 64 | Protection Ring |?? Title: Re: Ring List Post by: Lin on June 29, 2010, 02:04:00 AM I think a lot of the ??'s in your list has to do with them being obtainable from a Gasha Tree. If you use ZOCF with a lot of the blanks they might work. Awesome list anyway though!
Title: Re: Ring List Post by: Fatories on June 29, 2010, 02:13:14 AM Well thats what I though originally too, but when I tried ZOCF with them I'd end up getting nothing or when I opened the chest I'd get a random item thats not a ring but when appraised would give the a ring already on the list. Other times I would actually get a ring from the chest but it would just be a copy of a ring already on the list that didn't require ZOCF.
Ive tried nearly every combination with the ID 2Dxx as well as a lot in 2Cxx, 2Bxx, 2Exx with no luck. Title: Re: Ring List Post by: Fatories on June 29, 2010, 03:18:25 PM Do you know if theres an ID that when used in ZOCF you get a gasha nut? Because if there is then maybe there might be the items it drops with an ID close to it.
Title: Re: Ring List Post by: Lin on June 30, 2010, 12:16:13 AM No idea, sorry.
Title: Re: Ring List Post by: Fatories on June 30, 2010, 10:47:47 PM Yeah and I've had no luck finding their IDs so far.