Primary Zelda Hacking

Oracles Hacking => ZOLE => Topic started by: Lin on February 05, 2011, 10:25:59 PM

Title: ZOLE As We Know It
Post by: Lin on February 05, 2011, 10:25:59 PM
Well, I made this topic to announce something I'd say is pretty important. ZOLE, along with ZOSE, ZOCF, and ZOTE, are all going to be renamed to "ZAxx", meaning Zelda Ages XX. Why is this? Because Seasons is too different and ZOLE has become too big to integrate a whole other game into it.

I don't know when ZOLE will get renamed, although I'm thinking sometime after ZSLE is released. ZSLE (Zelda Seasons Level Editor) will probably get created and worked on soon, and people will be left with Ages for now. None of the tools I've released will work for Seasons, ever. However, an equivalent will be released for Seasons (ZSCF, ZSTE, etc).

Hopefully you all continue to support me. I may bring back My Blog ( and you all can follow it if you choose, or be in the IRC as I will discuss my findings and post screenshots there (Look in the Announcements section for IRC information).

Thanks for the support everyone, and happy hacking! :)


Title: Re: ZOLE As We Know It
Post by: Tiger21820 on February 06, 2011, 12:42:45 AM
I Know you can do it! You have made THE BEST (Not to mention the FIRST) Ages editor, so I know you can make one for seasons! Just believe in your talants, and you will do perfect!

Title: Re: ZOLE As We Know It
Post by: Fatories on February 06, 2011, 12:51:27 AM
Good man, hopefully this time around I can contribute more then a measly ring list  :001_tongue:

Title: Re: ZOLE As We Know It
Post by: Lin on February 06, 2011, 09:25:14 AM
Good news - I made some progress today. All I did in terms of ZSLE was re-create ZOLE's design in a new project and get ROM opening done. I edited ZOLE a little bit more to support loading dungeons, finally. It may or may not have broken Ages dungeon loading though :D


Hopefully I can integrate full map viewing tomorrow within ZSLE and then work on editing. We'll see!

Title: Re: ZOLE As We Know It
Post by: Fatories on February 06, 2011, 09:09:22 PM
Wait im confused. So you did this in ZOLE rather then creating a new editor?

Title: Re: ZOLE As We Know It
Post by: Jandazekon on February 06, 2011, 09:14:42 PM
In real world:
I firstly played oracle of ages in december 2001
And then i played oracle of seasons in April 2003
The years between, i played other videogames.

Blue is more right than red.
Because red = wrong.
And the green + yellow zelda game was not released.
Q) What do they contain?
A) The creator boss behind the official zelda game

Zelda oracle of seasons was going to be wrong in development
because it was meant to be a 100% remake of the first zelda game with zelda dx graphics.

And zelda oracle of ages has what zelda dx missed.

Zelda link's awakening dx was too going to be wrong in development
because it was meant to be a 100% remake of zelda alttp with down graded graphics.

Title: Re: ZOLE As We Know It
Post by: Lin on February 06, 2011, 09:22:04 PM
In real world:
I firstly played oracle of ages in december 2001
And then i played oracle of seasons in April 2003
The years between, i played other videogames.

Blue is more right than red.
Because red = wrong.
And the green + yellow zelda game was not released.
Q) What do they contain?
A) The creator boss behind the official zelda game
Stop posting unrelated content. If you continue to do so I will delete them, and will do more if it continues further.

Wait im confused. So you did this in ZOLE rather then creating a new editor?

I've worked on it some more, and apart from fixing a problem with the Ages "Unmapped" areas, I've added a few things for Seasons.

1. Maps no longer than a little bit of noticeable time to load as they did before.
2. Tileset loading via area works perfectly now.
3. The dungeon map indexes load now.

Making good progress.


Title: Re: ZOLE As We Know It
Post by: Jandazekon on February 06, 2011, 09:27:00 PM
Stop posting unrelated content.
Do you call that SPAM???

Title: Re: ZOLE As We Know It
Post by: Lin on February 07, 2011, 01:57:20 AM
Well, I secretly changed my mind. I've decided to integrate Seasons editing into ZOLE. I made good progress, as you'll see in 1.16. Here's a screenshot:


Title: Re: ZOLE As We Know It
Post by: Jandazekon on February 07, 2011, 05:55:14 PM
Nice progress.

Title: Re: ZOLE As We Know It
Post by: RODRIGOLINK5 on December 08, 2012, 12:11:27 PM
Nice progress.
How do I start using the zole 4? I do not know how it works (I have it and zelda oracles of ages too) and I would like to learn to use it. thank you very much.

Title: Re: ZOLE As We Know It
Post by: Fatories on December 08, 2012, 05:58:28 PM
How do I start using the zole 4? I do not know how it works (I have it and zelda oracles of ages too) and I would like to learn to use it. thank you very much.

Refer to this link:
That thread has many tutorials for people new to using ZOLE.