Primary Zelda Hacking

Oracles Hacking => Discussion => Topic started by: Lin on June 08, 2011, 09:02:37 AM

Title: How the Intro 'Talk-to-all-NPCs' Works
Post by: Lin on June 08, 2011, 09:02:37 AM
I was checking out the script home to NPC 3C00 (The NPC in the intro who says "Shhh! I can't hear Nayru sing!") and I noticed he ORs CFDE by 04. What this does is sets it so you've talked to this specific NPC, and once you talk to all of them CFDE should equal a certain value. Why CFDE? It's out of the viewable map data, so it won't get changed when loading another map but also won't get saved when you exit the game.

Pretty cool and I just decided to share.


Title: Re: How the Intro 'Talk-to-all-NPCs' Works
Post by: Jigglysaint on June 08, 2011, 03:24:32 PM
Furthermore, I noticed that the interaction in Seasons where you have to open chests in the right order in level 5 uses data from there too.  What happens is each Armos that you kill, it's starting position is saved into this section of ram.  Then, when you go to open the chests, it checks to see if the chest you are opening is the same as the first position in the list.  If it is, then it gives you the item that's coded in.  If not, you get the default 1 rupee chest.

Basically, this area of ram is the interaction "pallete"  what I mean by that is it's a spot where values can be loaded in and out to achieve different effects.