Jr. Member

Posts: 83
Rainbow Dash is truly awesome!
« on: May 01, 2011, 05:06:45 AM » |
This is a bit of a strange idea for a hack I was thinking of for awhile.
I want to make a hack based off Ages with the ability to travel between Holodrum, Labryanna, and Koholint Island. This hack would have the return of the Nightmares who desire to revive Ganon (just like Twinrova) and sealed Zelda within Koholint Island.
Your goal is to wake the Windfish and gather the instruments, but they are scattered between the three different islands, making it much more difficult to find.
This might sound like a hard hack, but it'll probably be possible if I had some help and ASM knowledge for scripts, to make Koholint more like it was in LA.
Here's a list of the dungeons:
Spirit's Grave (Labyranna): Now much harder with more nasty traps. This'll be easy updating this dungeon. Instead of the Power Bracelet, you get the Roc's Feather like in LA.
Bottle Grotto (Koholint): Basically a recreation of this dungeon. Not much is changed from LA, but new Oracle enemies. Including the boss: Shadow Hag. You'll get the Seed Shooter much earlier than I thought.
Poison Moth's Lair (Holodrum): I think you know this place way too well. I know I do. X_X Boss is now Head Thwomp. You'll get the Seed Shooter or Bombs here. Probably Bombs since previous dungeon has Shadow Hag.
Angler's Tunnel (Koholint): Flippers! Hooray! Fat Angler is the boss. I'd make Plasmasomething the boss, but Fat Angler resembles LA more.
Unicorn's Cave: Rather than the Magnetic Gloves, you'll get the Cane of Somaria here. The boss is changed as well: Smog.
Mermaid's Cave: Again, nothing much changed. But I'm sure everyone wants the Mermaid Suit, right?
Turtle Rock (Koholint): Vire is now a mini boss, so consider this an updated dungeon with Ramrock as the boss and the Power Gauntlets.
Sword and Shield Maze: Not too much change here. Switch Hook is very helpful in this dungeon. Boss is Twinrova.
Black Tower: This isn't the final dungeon?! Correct, it's the dungeon where you get the final item: The Lv. 2 Switch Hook helps with Eyesore.
Windfish Egg (Koholint): Think of this as a Lost Woods area. The final bosses will fight you in this order:
Dethel: I really don't know how I'll put this guy in. Unless I can change bosses somehow and make a custom boss.
Again, this sounds difficult, but I want to do this because I share a passion for all the gameboy Zelda games.