Title: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on August 04, 2010, 05:05:27 AM Hi. Well, I want to give the Fairies' Woods a makeover, but I want to have houses in the new area. Is it possible, for instance, to transfer some tiles from the Lybranna map to the Fairie's Woods map? Or am I stuck with the default map tiles for now? Thanks! This editor is pretty cool. I haven't gotten into interactions yet, but the map editing is very simple! I like it and hope to someday make a complete mod!
Also, is there an existing list of NPCs? And is it possible to change the location/events which start the game? Or is the start with possessed Impa something that you need to have? Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Jigglysaint on August 04, 2010, 08:09:36 PM If you want house tiles, you can change the tileset for each screen. Note that Level 2's entrance will need to be put somewhere where it can use tileset 4 or else the entrance won't display correctly.
NPC's I haven't looked into, and there is a patch to disable the intro section with Impa. Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on August 04, 2010, 09:50:08 PM Oh! OK. I see... I got rid of Impa by deleting the ASM and Common Interactions that were associated with her. Hopefully that won't do anything bad. :mellow:
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on August 04, 2010, 10:04:47 PM Also, how do you create a warp? Do you need to move it from one screen to another?
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: felmet on August 04, 2010, 10:17:44 PM yes you take a room with a warp and move it to the room you like, just a tip, dont loose track of all the warps if you modify a room that has a warp but you dont want the warp to be there. Dont just move it to some random room, or the result will be that later you might need a warp and it will take ages to find it since you have to search all the rooms to find a proper warp.
What I usaually do is modify an area but keep the all the warps and that 1 tile with the entrance/stairs so that I later can see which rooms I can steal a warp from. :) Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on August 04, 2010, 10:27:44 PM Alright... I managed to snag the Shop warp from Lynna City and I made it work right. What's funny is that I'm using the warp from the secret entrance to the shop instead of the regular one. I'll have to sort that out later so I don't get into a shop out of nowhere.
EDIT: Can you transfer a warp from the Past to the Present? Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on August 06, 2010, 12:24:53 AM Alright... I managed to snag the Shop warp from Lynna City and I made it work right. What's funny is that I'm using the warp from the secret entrance to the shop instead of the regular one. I'll have to sort that out later so I don't get into a shop out of nowhere. Nope.EDIT: Can you transfer a warp from the Past to the Present? Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on August 06, 2010, 12:38:38 AM Ah. OK.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on August 29, 2010, 06:29:44 PM I want to transfer the Ember Seed tree to another part of Lynna City, but the treetop switcher doesn't recognize the tree. It sees the Gale, Pegasus and Scent seeds, but not Ember. A littel help, please?
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on August 29, 2010, 07:03:49 PM The ember seeds are a type 7 interaction, with the ID of 5A06. The tiles for an ember tree are the default ones, so you don't have to mess with the tree top or secondary map script. You do, however, have to make sure the tree is in the middle of the screen/starts at (4, 3).
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Fatories on August 29, 2010, 07:06:01 PM Its the interaction you change, the tree top chooser is just to change the top of the tree to a different model because there is only one model in the tile set which would be the actual ember seed tree which is why it won't pick it up.
I believe the ember seeds ID is 5A06 so just use that ID with a one-time/dungeon enemy interaction on the map you want it to be. Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on August 29, 2010, 07:13:22 PM Oh, I see. Alright, thanks for the help.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Fatories on August 29, 2010, 07:17:37 PM You do, however, have to make sure the tree is in the middle of the screen/starts at (4, 3). I have my tree set at (4,2) and it works fine in game. The ember seeds appear on the tree properly and the "hitbox" or whatever it may be called is in the proper spot. Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on September 16, 2010, 12:27:23 AM Does anybody happen to know if Impa says something different after each Essence is collected?
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on September 16, 2010, 10:01:19 PM I'm not sure. If so, the check would be in ASM.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on October 09, 2010, 04:55:38 PM 'nother question- does the area ID determine wether Link swims or walks in a map? And is putting warps underwater the same as putting them in regular doors/stairs?
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on October 09, 2010, 09:33:50 PM Yes. There are bit flags and one of the values controls if it's an underwater area. You can't change them through ZOLE, so you'll have to work with existing ones or hex edit them by yourself (They're in the area headers). For underwater warps, yes, unless you mean diving up. Then I'm not sure.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on October 12, 2010, 02:45:18 AM How would you go around editing the title screen with TLP? Do you need to do something in ZOLE first? If not, I can't figure out how to get TLP to display Ages tiles correctly. I can recognize some tiles, such as the Seeds. Maybe I need to edit the pallet?
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on October 12, 2010, 06:08:33 AM The graphics for the title screen are compressed. You can't edit them unless you compress the graphics and re-insert them.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on October 14, 2010, 11:12:36 PM How would I decompress them, then?
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on October 31, 2010, 12:29:28 AM What type of program do you use to look at ASM? A Hex Editor?
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on October 31, 2010, 12:34:39 AM No, typically BGB's debugger.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on October 31, 2010, 01:04:26 AM I see... The debug window looks very confusing.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on October 31, 2010, 01:19:52 AM I'll write a tutorial one day. In the mean time, you can use this for help (Very useful):
http://marc.rawer.de/Gameboy/Docs/GBCPUman.pdf Mainly look at the opcode listings, like CP n. Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on November 24, 2010, 01:02:10 AM Gah! I finally got something done, and when I went into the game to survey the land I'd created, I found this. ZOLE shows the correct tiles. Any tips? Also, a group of four tiles render as completely black, and Link suddenly obtained the L-3 Sword out of thin air.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on November 24, 2010, 01:30:55 AM I'm not sure. I noticed that a lot of times in-game, going into the area with the guy who gives the island map will mess up the tileset sometimes. I'm not sure why. I guess either change the area id if you can, and if not, then make sure to try it without save states.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on November 24, 2010, 01:47:38 AM I was able to counteract the anomoly in the picture by making it a new ledge, but I'm still working on the black tile problem; changing the area I.D. doesn't seem to have any effect.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on November 24, 2010, 01:50:22 AM If the cliff edges are randomly placed there, then it has to do with some table of data that places tiles that ZOLE doesn't edit yet.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on November 24, 2010, 01:53:09 AM They look like they're for something like stairs or a waterfall. Here's the other error I see:
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on November 24, 2010, 02:39:15 AM Odd. What maps and map groups?
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on November 24, 2010, 02:44:50 AM Map AC, Present Overworld, Area I.D. 3.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on November 26, 2010, 12:11:20 AM I want to move the entrance to the first dungeon. I moved the first warp out of the map (the one that goes to the cave where the graveyard key is,) but now ZOLE says that the map doesn't have another warp in it.
Also, got this while playing in a map with a custom script: "Unkown opcode fc at 0200" Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on November 26, 2010, 12:50:54 AM Yea, that's been an error everyone has gotten. It's hard to repeat and no real cause for it. I'm not sure how to fix but all I can hope is to get a lot of user reports and have them all lead to somewhere.
What were you doing when the bug happened? Just entered the room and bam? If so, post your script. Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on November 26, 2010, 01:15:14 AM Alright. I'll post it here.
Code: writelocation 33FB6 jump3byte 103032 writelocation 103032 checkspecialflag spawnenemy 1A 0 5 6 spawnenemy 1A 0 1 7 spawnenemy 1A 0 3 4 checkenemycount playsound 4D setcoords 2 5 createpuff setcoords 2 5 settile DC setroomflag 80 Note that I plan to edit it so that the enemies and tile spawn at different points on the map. Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Invertfreak on November 26, 2010, 01:41:26 AM How can you find out the address for each map?
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on November 26, 2010, 01:46:02 AM Got another error with the same script, only this time with three 'setcoords' commands for the enemies: "fc at 402c."
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on November 26, 2010, 01:54:35 AM How can you find out the address for each map? ZOLE displays it on the bottom. The map data is the uncompressed data however, not the original compressed data.Got another error with the same script, only this time with three 'setcoords' commands for the enemies: "fc at 402c." I think it's just a general script problem if not the 3 byte pointer jump.Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on November 26, 2010, 05:01:28 AM Can the Flippers be made obtainable through a chest, and the Boss Key by itself in a sidescrolling map?
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on November 26, 2010, 05:16:44 AM Maybe. If you find the item ID of the flippers (For the chest it'll be xx00 I think), then use ZOCF to fix it. The boss key, probably since it's an item.
In fact, I think item IDs and chest IDs are the same thing. For example, for the boss key alone, you'd take the chest ID of the boss key and just make the script spawn the first byte (**00). Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on November 26, 2010, 05:26:18 AM For the key, would it be a Type 2 Interaction?
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on November 26, 2010, 05:50:57 AM It would, but it would use a script. The script would use the spawnitem command.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Supreme Dirt on November 26, 2010, 03:27:59 PM A boss key in a sidescrolling area. How interesting.
I'd actually completely forgotten about sidescrolling areas until now. Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on February 06, 2011, 11:13:00 PM What are the differences between Maku Tree Maps, Indoor (small) Maps and In the Past maps when looking at the Area Property Editor?
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on April 02, 2011, 08:10:00 PM How does one get a text ID for use with the showtext command in ZOSE?
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on April 02, 2011, 08:37:46 PM Good question that I believe only Jigglysaint knows the answer to. :D
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on November 01, 2011, 10:14:17 PM Is there a check for essences that can be used in ZOSE? I think it'd be cool to be able to open new areas depending on how many essences you have.
Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on November 01, 2011, 10:55:08 PM Is there a check for essences that can be used in ZOSE? I think it'd be cool to be able to open new areas depending on how many essences you have. Not directly, but with the use of memory checks and jumps, you can easily use the value at the essence address.Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Fatories on November 02, 2011, 12:00:43 AM Is there a check for essences that can be used in ZOSE? I think it'd be cool to be able to open new areas depending on how many essences you have. Not directly, but with the use of memory checks and jumps, you can easily use the value at the essence address.More specifically, the memory address for the essences is: C6BF - (FF = all essences) In Oracle of Nature I used that memory address in my ZOSE script for the event that happens after you have gained level 3s essence. Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on November 02, 2011, 12:04:10 AM OK, that makes sense. Could you please... explain it a bit more? I've actually gotten some practice with this stuff since I've been gone (in another video game, however), so I should be able to comprehend ~70% of it.
Also, how would you find the title graphics using Tile Layer Pro and VBA? I'm looking at the offsets VBA's Tile Viewer gives me, but I'm not seeing any correlation. Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Lin on November 02, 2011, 01:41:59 AM OK, that makes sense. Could you please... explain it a bit more? I've actually gotten some practice with this stuff since I've been gone (in another video game, however), so I should be able to comprehend ~70% of it. You would do a jump3bytemc with the memory address being C6BF and the value being:Also, how would you find the title graphics using Tile Layer Pro and VBA? I'm looking at the offsets VBA's Tile Viewer gives me, but I'm not seeing any correlation. 1 Essence = 01 2 Essences = 03 3 Essences = 07 4 Essences = 0F 5 Essences = 0x1F 6 Essences = 0x3F 7 Essences = 0x7F 8 Essences = 0xFF Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Gamma 31 on November 02, 2011, 02:01:28 AM Do the values go after C6BF (ex. jump3bytemc C6BF FF), or would it take the place of BF?
Wait, never mind, I've got it. it would be jump3bytemc C6BF FF. What would the address to jump to be? The address of another interaction? Couldn't we use 'checkmemory FF C6BF?' Heh, one more thing: Is there a command in ZOSE to make the screen fade to white and then back again? And/or a command to make the puff the puff that appears when you defeat a boss? Title: Re: Transfering Tiles Post by: Fatories on November 02, 2011, 03:17:10 AM Do the values go after C6BF (ex. jump3bytemc C6BF FF), or would it take the place of BF? Wait, never mind, I've got it. it would be jump3bytemc C6BF FF. What would the address to jump to be? The address of another interaction? Couldn't we use 'checkmemory FF C6BF?' Heh, one more thing: Is there a command in ZOSE to make the screen fade to white and then back again? And/or a command to make the puff the puff that appears when you defeat a boss? 1. The jump address is just to some free space. You would do the exact same thing you did for when you first wrote the code (search for free space, writelocation and blah blah). Except you wouldn't set another interaction 72. It'd probably look something like: Code: writelocation XXXXXX setinteraction72 xx blahblahblahcodeblah jump3bytemc C6BF FF YYYYYY writelocation YYYYYY blahblahblahmorecodeblah 2. Yes you could use checkmemory C6BF xx, setmemory C6BF xx or anything that has to do with actual memory addresses. It just depends on what you are wanting to actually do. If you want something to happen after you have say 3 essences then it would be checkmemory C6BF 07. If you wanted to like have some piece of code happen on a map but then when you got 3 essences have the whole map do something different you would go with jump3bytemc C6BF 07. And of course setmemory C6BF 07 would just make your character have 3 essences so you wouldn't really have that. 3. There is not an actual command, you would do it through a series of setmemorys. Lin wrote a tutorial up which can be found here: http://zeldahacking.ulmb.com/index.php?topic=367.0 4. I think you mean createpuff? Not sure though, bosses might have a different puff. |