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1  Oracles Hacking / Beta Releases / Re: Beta 0.03 on: June 13, 2013, 08:48:09 PM
Nice job Lin! I'm really digging this! Keep up the good work.  :thumbup1:
2  General GameBoy Hacking / General GameBoy Talk / Re: Which game do you like better? on: June 13, 2013, 08:38:38 PM
I liked them both pretty equally, however, I kinda liked Seasons a bit more. I felt like it was designed better, and I liked the items you got a bit more than the ones in Ages. I liked them both a lot, but Seasons beat Ages by just a tiny bit for me. Good question by the way.
3  Other / General Discussion / Re: Where is everyone? on: May 07, 2013, 05:38:45 AM
I see. I wish I could help you guys, but I have no knowledge of the Z80 programming language. Let alone C language to help write programs. Maybe someone can start a thread on Z80 programming and whip up some tutorials on it. With enough practice and time, people could learn it, and help you and Fatories (maybe even Jigglysaint if he's still around).

Watching you work on this beautiful game editor inspires me to want to help you guys because it pains me to see only a few people working on this project.
I will tell you one thing though that I may not have told you before, but I hack Gameshark codes for the Gameboy Color, so I am very very familiar with memory editors. I am familiar with making Gameshark codes so, if I do learn Z80 one day and C language, then I'll be able to whip up some awesome things for the Oracle games, and I will be able to make patches for ZOLE.

So maybe I should focus on trying to learn some Z80 assembly.
Anyway, back on topic, maybe I can get some people to join and spread the word about this website. I can't help you with ZOLE, but maybe I can get some more people on this site.
4  Other / General Discussion / Where is everyone? on: May 06, 2013, 01:27:30 AM
I've been on here quite a few times recently, and I never see anyone on anymore. Where'd you guys all go?  Sad
5  The Site / Announcements / Re: Happy 3rd Birthday, ZOLE 4! on: May 06, 2013, 01:21:25 AM
Happy 3rd birthday Zole!  Cheesy
The years really fly don't they? Good job keeping the website and Zole active for so long Lin (and rest of the Zole team. Really good job, I'm proud!  :thumbup:
6  Oracles Hacking / ZOLE / Re: [WIP] ZOLE 5 on: November 03, 2012, 03:37:43 PM
This sounds wonderful! I can't wait to see this!   :thumbup1:
7  The Site / Suggestions / Re: General Zelda Hacking Board on: September 13, 2012, 06:49:11 AM
There are already websites specifically designed around hacking for those Zelda games, Adding those types of things to this website would be useless. Sure this is primary Zelda hacking, BUT why add it here when there are places that are way more in depth with that type of hacking. This website specializes in GB Zelda hacking and there are other websites that specialize in OOT hacking and A Link To The Past hacking. Why not Google some of these things.
8  The Site / Announcements / Re: Abandoning ZOLE on: January 15, 2012, 02:50:04 AM
This is sad to hear, but you need to do what you need to do. You have done an astounding job on Zole, and I think I speak for everyone when I say "I am damn proud of you!"  Making and coding a program is exhausting and extremely hard work and we are very proud of you for sticking to it Lin! I also would like to thank everyone who helped Lin with this project, you also make me proud! I wish you great luck in the future, and Lin..... I hope to make an amazing Oracle hack with Zole one day.

Good Luck Lin!


9  General GameBoy Hacking / Documents / Link's Tunic Color Modifier on: June 13, 2011, 12:23:04 PM
I recently discovered in VBA's memory editor that if you search D014 on line 9 there are values to change the colors of Link's tunic. I shall list the values for you.
BLUE: 09
Anything below 8 is a goron sprite which you can also change the color of, and anything above 0B is weird colors.
I'm sorry if anyone already knew this, but I am new I would just like to contribute something. Enjoy!!!
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