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Link's Awakening Hacking / Finished Hacks / Marin Bug
on: April 09, 2011, 10:30:30 AM
Jeville on said about ZLADE:
"Another game-breaking error (not the fault of the tool) is obtaining the secret medicine from a chest before meeting Marin at the beach. In doing so will freeze the game when you pick her up from the beach. So if you want to put secret medicine in a chest, make sure it
Oracles Hacking / Bug Reports / Editing Interactions/Warps/etc. don't work well
on: August 21, 2010, 07:43:12 PM
First of all I would like to thank you for this grate tool.
But I've got a problem with changing parameters. Let me explain it this way: I want to creat/edit an enemy group, so I set the ID from 43EC to 4545 and save the change. But if the ID box is still active when I save, the ID stays 43EC. If you want to change the ID you have to activate any other box and save afterwards. I hope you get the point despite my bad English.
I'm using Version 1.07