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News: Current Zelda Oracles Hacking Suite beta version: 0.05
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 on: April 20, 2014, 10:19:06 PM 
Started by Feral-Firebolt - Last post by Feral-Firebolt
This is Firebolt asking, how to make ruins like the Tarm Ruins for example since Oracle of Ages doesn't carry much castle like exterior tilesets fitting except for the black tower tilesets, so just asking how to meet this matter.
I need to know for future and current purposes thanks!  Wink

 on: April 16, 2014, 10:09:24 PM 
Started by Lin - Last post by Lin
Hey, is there more to this script?  Is the example just a script that fixes Mue's script?  If so, do you think that you could post or direct me to the original script?  I have looked every where on the form for it and could not find it!

-Thanks RCHpweblo
No, that is all that's to it. It's just explaining that if you want to check the lever tile to see if it's been switched via script, you need to check for tile 00 instead of the changed lever tile.

 on: April 16, 2014, 03:40:39 AM 
Started by Lin - Last post by RCHpweblo
Hey, is there more to this script?  Is the example just a script that fixes Mue's script?  If so, do you think that you could post or direct me to the original script?  I have looked every where on the form for it and could not find it!

-Thanks RCHpweblo

 on: April 07, 2014, 11:49:18 PM 
Started by Feral-Firebolt - Last post by Feral-Firebolt
Dude, check your private messages on ZeldaHacking here.  I sent you something about that.
Alright i'll check it now! Smiley

 on: April 07, 2014, 11:13:01 PM 
Started by Feral-Firebolt - Last post by BigTarantula99
Dude, check your private messages on ZeldaHacking here.  I sent you something about that.

 on: April 07, 2014, 11:06:21 PM 
Started by Feral-Firebolt - Last post by Feral-Firebolt
As in the project ideas file, I ~FeralFirebolt~ will soon start on this contribution to ZOLE! The project is named: The Legend of Zelda: The Oracle of Elements (The Vengeance of Ganon)!

Starting Debut (Starting to work on): 5/5/15 or earlier


After the events of Ocarina of Time, a neighbouring realm known as Aerkahn is suddenly infiltrated with armies of beasts of different species! The reason founded by the Hero of Time was to be the spirit of Ganon trying to resurrect himself as the greatest evil through the vessel of his fallen servants (Veran, Onox) used to flow his evil. But, do accomplish that task they would need to corrupt the natures of Gaia, the earth that harbours the realm of Hyrule: The 8 Essences of Elements.
Upon accomplishing that task and hearing of Link's journey to stop Ganon's archfiends, the servants of Ganon decide to split the powers of Gaia into different dungeons split all over the monarchy of Aerkahn. Therefore, Link sets off to accomplish defeating Khirgoran, the Blue Stalfo of Veran with the Mighty Noble Sword!

But after defeating Khirgoran (at Level 5-The Iron Crown), he decides to corrupt the forces once more, making more powerful guards to hinder Link's progress. Finally after gathering the 8 essences, along with the Maku Seed with the Master Sword in hand he sets off to the Palace of the Black Sun (The Black Tower rebuilt and revamped to its former glory) of Veran to stop her tactics once and for all! The question is now... Will Link succeed in stopping the FINAL flame of the Diablo Star being lit thus resurrecting Ganon, the Dark Enemy of the World? Find out in the Legend of Zelda: The Oracle of the Elements-The Vengeance of Ganon!!  Grin

Oracle of Gaia: Erchamia

Hero's Cave (Earth) (N/A)
Maku Path (Grass/Earth) (Pack of Moblins/Octoroks)
Master Sword Temple (Light) (N/A)
Imperial Aerkahn Palace (Stronghold) (Possessed Erchamia)
L1: Earthdelve Shrine (Shrine of the Seismic Essence) (Earth) (Pumpkin Head)
L2: Tempestial Tower (Turret of the Polar Winds) (Wind) (Eyesoar)
L3: Nightshade Roots (Roots of the Tree of the World) (Grass/Dark) (Shadow Hag)
L4: Rampant Cove (Underwater Lair of the Zora) (Water) (Octogon)
L5: Iron Crown (Verdant Crest of Khirgoran) (Dark/Stronghold) (Khirgoran)
L6: Firebolt Volcano (Vulcanic Gorge) (Fire/Earth) (Smog)
L7: Cyro Cavern (Cavern of Ice) (Ice) (Plasmarine)
L8: Ancient Stronghold (Ruins of the Strong) (Stronghold/Light) (Ramrock)
L9: Palace of the Black Sun (Rebuilt Black Tower) (Veran)(Dark/Fire/Earth/Ice/Light/Grass/Wind/Stronghold)
Final Dungeon: Diablo's Keep (Ganon's Foundations) (Dark) (Rematched Mini-Bosses) (Khirgoran MK-II)
Bonus Dungeon: L10: Pyro's Castle (All Elements) (Head Thwomp)

Note: The Flame of Despair is unobtainable by Koume and Kotate, therefore Ganon's legions plot to use the land of Aerkahn as a portal to light the Diablo Star and resurrect Ganon/Diablo the Dark Tyrant!

Ganon/Diablo: Gianblo

Dungeon Items

Maku Path: N/A
Imperial Aerkahn Palace: Gale Seeds
Hero's Cave: Wooden Sword
Master Sword Temple: Master Sword (Requires Long Hook)
L1: Level 1 Power Bracelet
L2: Switch Hook
L3: Seed Shooter
L4: Mermaid Suit
L5: Mirror Shield
L6: Cane of Somaria
L7: Long Hook
L8: Power Glove
Palace of the Black Sun: 2 Gasha Seeds
Diablo's Domain: N/A

Old Zoran Key
New Zoran Key
Key of the Iron Crown
Saviour Key

Dungeon Music Themes

Hero's Cave (Hero's Cave Theme)
Maku Path (Maku Path Theme)
Master Sword Temple (Essences Theme)
L1: (Wing Dungeon Theme)
L2: (Unicorn's Cave Theme)
L3: (Moonlit Grotto Theme)/(Jabu-Jabu's Belly Theme)
L4: (Mermaid's Cove Theme)
L5: (Ancient Tomb Theme)
L6: (Skull Dungeon Theme)
L7: (Dancing Dragon Dungeon Theme)
L8: (Sword 'n Shield Maze Theme)
L9: (Black Tower Theme)
Final Dungeon: (Onox's Castle Theme)
Final Skirmish: (Room of Rites Theme)


Dunamir City/Village (Present/Past)
Jorgumand Plains (Present/Past)
Sacred Plain (Present)
Xuneair Rift (Past)
Ruination of the Heroes/Saviour Ruins (Past) (1%)
Dreadful Rainforest (Present/Past)
Earthen Vale (Present)
Mizuchi Lagoon (Past)
Blazestorm Desert (Present)
Northern Pinnacle (Present)
Subzero Ridge (Past)
Tyrannical Terra (Past)
Gyrion Mountains (Present)
Mightful Mountain (Present/Past)
Great Moblin's Keep (Present)
Ryukahn Woods (Past)
Poshrine Graveyard (Present)
Imperial Aerkahn Palace (Past)
Advance Shop (Present/Past)
Maku Tree/Hall of Secrets (Present/Past)
Grimlonr Highlands (Present/Past) (100%)
Palace of the Black Sun (Past)
Zora Village (Present/Past)
Oceans of Casualties (Present/Past)
Dimitri's Domain (Present)
Ricky's Ridge (Present)
Moosh's Mound (Present)
Ralune Village (Present/Past)
Restoration Wall (Past)
Master Sword Temple (Present/Past)
Link's House (Present)
Impa's House (Present)
Harp of Ages (Harp of the Stalwart Time) Sanctum (Present)
Sunarian Sanctuary (Seal of Gaia) (Present/Past)
Tabernacle of Kronus (Past)
Southern Shores (Present/Past)
Diablo's Domain (Past)
Legendary Gate (Present)
Sagen Library (Present/Past)
Pit of the Slain (Present)
Chasm of Darkness (Past)
Bereft Precipice (Past)
Temple of Light (Present/Past)
River Devil's Gorge (Present)
Saint Azinaer's Crevasse (Past)
Fissure of the Titans (Past)
Vire's Residence (Present/Past)
North Aerkahn (Present/Past)
South Aerkahn (Present/Past)
Wake Island (Present/Past)
Southern Coast (Present/Past)
Joyful Province (Present)
Northeast Temple of Natsu (Present/Past)
Natsu Cleft (Past)
Natsu Wastelands (Present)
Aerkahn Plain (Present/Past)
Aerkahn Suburbs (Present/Past)
Pyronian Vale (Present)
Hurin River (Past)
Hurion Strait (Present)

Locations of the Dungeons

Maku Path: Dunamir City/Village (Past/Present)
Imperial Aerkahn Palace: Dunamir City/Village (Past/Present)
Hero's Cave: Jorgumand Plains (Present)
Master Sword Shrine: Dreadful Rainforest (Present)
L1: Earthen Vale (Present)
L2: Gyrion Mountain (Present)
L3: Deradful Rainforest (Past)
L4: Mizuchi Lagoon (Past)
L5: Nothern Pinnacle (Present)
L6: Blazestorm Desert (Present)
L7: Subzero Ridge (Past)
L8: Ruination of the Heroes (Past)
L9: Tyrannical Terra (Past)
Final Dungeon: Foundations of Aerkahn Proper (Present)
Final Skirmish: Tabernacle of Kronus (Past) (Gaiaruile: The Apex Mountain of the World)
L10: Legendary Gate (Present)


Legends have told of an omniscient, omnipotent power of Gold known as the "Triforce" in the Golden Land. It's legendary potency drew many to the Golden Land searching of its Golden Power. The power of the Triforce grants the wish of any who claim it, whether it be for good or evil. But... 27, 900, 000, 000, 000, 000 years before that there was another force. The Masterforce, forged by the Three Deities of Hyrule crafted this all-powerful entity as they left after the creation of Gaia the land that contains lands such as Hyrule. The Masterforce was known by the early civilians of the earth such as, Hylians, Humans, Dark Interlopers, Zoras, etc... But the hearts of the people who contacted the Masterforce grew corrupted and a great war of wrath and destruction began throughout the ages. The Masterforce after the events of the "Early Cataclysm" had split into many pieces; one became the Triforce, the legendary item that Hylians choose to one day obtain. The rest of the Masterforce, had gathered many negative and dark energies from the evil people of old and eventually came into the hands of Kronus, the king of early Lorule. His heart grew ominous due to the hatred of the people's spirit left within the Masterforce and he used that power to rule the elements, the seasons, time and space. Thus, when his heart of darkness took over completely he evolved into: The Diablo God a power so cataclysmic it marred madness upon the world for many ages (27, 900, 000, 000, 000, 000 years). Finally the neighbouring monarchies, Hyrule, Labrynna, Holodrum formed a great alliance with each other and the entire infinite hosts of heaven to fight against the Lorulean God, Diablo. As they fought, the world was permanently marred and the war took place on the continents of Daerinur, and formed the land known as Aerkahn throughout the destruction. For many ages the mists of time and wrath wiped out the many warriors who slew the dark creatures of death; But 12 warriors remained. Each holding a legendary weapon and fought against the Dark Tyrant. Seven were the ancestors of the 7 sages; one was the reigning commander and he was the father of the Knights of Hyrule and ancestor to Link; and 4 others who were the ancestors of the 4 oracles. The power of darkness was far too great, therefore they used the 8 Essences of Gaia to completely seal Kronus into the convulsed earth for all eternity. But Kronus made an apocalyptic promise that he shall return as Neo Diablo, the incarnation of the original Diablo to convulse the world into the true destruction!! To prevent the great enemy from returning, they split apart the planet and formed Aerkahn the realm of prosperity from the area where they once did battle with the Diablo God; a vow that an Armageddon like that shall never appear on the face of the earth again. But the 7 sages' propechized that the great darkness shall one day return to bring upon wrath to the world when the world reverts back to its original shape and the land where Aerkahn built its foundations will reopen the portal and release the Diablo God of All Evil. One day in present times, Ganondorf the King of the Gerudo discovered the Masterforce remnants and challenged the spirit of the Diablo God, but as a mere creation he did not stand a chance and became possessed by the spirit of the Diablo God. After the death of Ganon the bestial form of Ganondorf was vanquished in the "Ocarina of Time" the spirit of Ganon and the Diablo God, entertwined with each other decides to resurrect both creatures and Gods of all Evil by: vesseling Onox and Veran, his generals/lieutenants to revert Gaia back to its original shape VIA the essences of the elements plus the Oracle of Elements, a force that Erchamia has planted within each essence; only then shall the fell servants light the Diablo Star and revive the Ultimate Evil...

Shall Link be victorious in hindering Ganon's nefarious plans to bring back Diablo/Ganon? Find out in "The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Elements (Vengeance of Ganon)!!

 on: April 07, 2014, 10:46:26 PM 
Started by Feral-Firebolt - Last post by Feral-Firebolt
Oh, I WILL as soon as I figure out how to get the hang of ZOLE, hence my post in the suggestions box, for the tutorials!  Grin

 on: April 07, 2014, 10:43:00 PM 
Started by Feral-Firebolt - Last post by BigTarantula99
Supporting ZOLE is already a good idea, no matter what you decide to do with it Wink

Complicated (somewhat) plotline here, so it already sounds cool.  The dungeon names are great already.  I dunno what to say, really - nothing more than the fact that it looks amazing and I hope you stick with it!

 on: April 07, 2014, 01:08:01 AM 
Started by Feral-Firebolt - Last post by Feral-Firebolt
FeralFirebolt: This is going to become my official project to contribute to ZOLE. The storyline goes such as: After the events of Ocarina of Time, a neighbouring realm known as Aerkahn is suddenly infiltrated with armies of beasts of different species! The reason founded by the Hero of Time was to be the spirit of Ganon trying to resurrect himself as the greatest evil through the vessel of his fallen servants (Veran, Onox) used to flow his evil. But, do accomplish that task they would need to corrupt the natures of Gaia, the earth that harbours the realm of Hyrule: The 8 Essences of Elements. Upon accomplishing that task and hearing of Link's journey to stop Ganon's archfiends, the servants of Ganon decide to split the powers of Gaia into different dungeons split all over the monarchy of Aerkahn. Therefore, Link sets off to accomplish defeating Khirgoran, the Blue Stalfo of Veran with the Mighty Noble Sword!

But after defeating Khirgoran (at Level 5-The Iron Crown), he decides to corrupt the forces once more, making more powerful guards to hinder Link's progress. Finally after gathering the 8 essences, along with the Maku Seed with the Master Sword in hand he sets off to the Palace of the Black Sun (The Black Tower rebuilt and revamped to its former glory) of Veran to stop her tactics once and for all! The question is now... Will Link succeed in stopping the FINAL flame of the Diablo Star being lit thus resurrecting Ganon, the Dark Enemy of the World? Find out in the Legend of Zelda: The Oracle of the Elements-The Vengeance of Ganon!!  Grin

Hero's Cave (Earth)
Maku Path (Grass/Earth)
Master Sword Temple (Light)
L1: Earthdelve Shrine (Shrine of the Seismic Essence) (Earth)
L2: Tempestial Tower (Turret of the Polar Winds) (Wind)
L3: Nightshade Roots (Roots of the Tree of the World) (Grass/Dark)
L4: Rampant Cove (Underwater Lair of the Zora) (Water)
L5: Iron Crown (Verdant Crest of Khirgoran) (Dark/Stronghold)
L6: Firebolt Volcano (Vulcanic Gorge) (Fire/Earth)
L7: Cyro Cavern (Cavern of Ice) (Ice)
L8: Ancient Stronghold (Ruins of the Strong) (Stronghold/Light)
L9: Palace of the Black Sun (Rebuilt Black Tower) (Dark/Fire/Earth/Ice/Light/Grass/Wind/Stronghold)
Final Dungeon: Diablo's Keep (Ganon's Foundations) (Dark)
Bonus Dungeon: L10: Pyro's Castle (All Elements)

So after hearing this what are opinions on this idea?

 on: April 05, 2014, 06:12:55 PM 
Started by Feral-Firebolt - Last post by Feral-Firebolt
Zelda ROM Hacks are beautifully designed to have anybody revamp or recreate their own Zelda game within the co-existing programming, therefore I suggest that we put up a tutorial guide for the ROM hacks such as ZOLE for example, just like what the tutorial they put up for newbies to use Hyrule Magic another Zelda Editor for Zelda 3; In order that new beginners to designing/remaking the games to get used to it!

In my request I say we put up the ZOLE editor tutorial first...
What I mean by this is to make the tutorials simpler for even newcomers like myself to understand since I know there is already a tutorial here but still I want like simple step by step instructions for I don't know what stuff like interaction or enemy listing is. So please make the tutorials EASIER! Thanks.

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