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Author Topic: Community Project: Oracle of Balance  (Read 770 times)
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« on: May 08, 2011, 07:42:20 PM »

Starting a project can or can't be easy, some people get writers block when trying to figure out where to begin. It also can be difficult to finish something you've started, so the purpose of this project is to allow the community to unite together on one project based on sign-up's and agreements.

Before starting a community project, a few things need to done for organizations purposes to get this ball rollin'.
1. Assign people to a certain theme.
A theme can be best described as a tileset you'd work with. ie, desert, beach, town, dungeon, mountain, etc.
2. Assign those people a quadrant on the map to work on.
3. Create a basic map layout based on the quadrants and themes.
4. Create dungeons based on this.

Since there are 9 dungeons total I believe available on the rom.
From what I've been told in the IRC by <Luigi1000> and Asylum, you can utilize all four overworlds and all their screens, including the X and I screens.

Link spawns in a field of grass near Farore where they speak briefly. She instantly recognizes him and asks him why he's here, this land is not in turmoil.
[Cutscene Begins]
She leaves him be to go back to the forest village Silva to speak with the high elders.
Cutscene Ends
Screen shifts back to Link where he's invited to the Castle of Teverenti by a messenger. Link accepts and proceeds with the messenger.

[Cutscene Begins]
Suddenly the land of Tevernti begins to shatter and you see Farore floating in the air above the Fields of Tevernti, lightning bolts are striking the land. The land shatters in eruption and a new world is created called the "World of Shattered".
Link is seen on the ground unconscious with a funny man in a cape and top-hat looking over him.
Cutscene Ends

The funny looking man comments on how falling asleep in such a dangerous land at these times isn't wise and invites him back to his cabin. The man introduces himself as "Xaun", and old man whom once worked for the king of Teverenti when it was still here. He mentions that he was the one responsible for maintaining order in the kingdom and proceeds to mention that if Link were to bring him only 3 the Essences of Balance, he could mend the world and restore it's balance.
Xaun then says that he's too old and frail to obtain them, but tells him where they are. Link agrees to obtain the 3 Essences of Balance and is given a sword.

[Cutscene Begins]
Link brings back the 3 essences and Xaux greets him in a hardy attitude. Link hands over the Essences of Balance and Xaun states while greedily eyeballing them, "Twinrova always saw me as unimportant because of my lack of power and ability to lead an army; yet, here I am. I've brought the land of Teverenti to it's knees without any force, or an army at my disposal."
Xaun looks back up to Link and mentions that he's done a great deed in the name of Ganon. Xaun then proceeds to use them to return to the World of Balance where he'll obtain the rest of the essences and convert the rest of the world into a shattered realm, much like the Shattered World that Link's currently in.
[Cutscene Ends]

Link is left behind in the World of the Shattered. He explores inside Xauns house and finds that Farore is trapped below in a seller that was previously inaccessible. He free's her and conversation between the two begin.
She says, "I now understand why the Triforce summoned you Hero of Time". "Please forgive my rash nature before, I cannot comprehend the greatness of the Triforce". "I can however attempt to aid you in your journey to stop Xaun from shattering the rest of the world". Farore then states that she was drained by Xaun to obtain the ability of shattering lands such as Teverenti, but he didn't have enough strength to shatter the entire world. He requires the eight Essences of Balance to reach his goal and that once he obtained 3, he would then attempt to obtain the rest in the world of balance. She then states that what he didn't foresee was her still being of assistance and that she also was affected by the essences of balance from when Xaun used them to return to the World of Balance.
"I can use what remaining strength I have left to keep a portal between this world and the World of Balance active, please find the remaining Essences of Balance to return the world back to it's balanced state", says Farore.
You return through the portal to retrieve the remaining essences.

Shattered Realm Concept
Shattered Realm - ZOLE Layout

Dungeon Locations
Dungeon 1: Shattered Realm - Cave Theme
Dungeon 2: Shattered Realm - Swamp Theme
Dungeon 3: Shattered Realm - Desert Theme
Dungeon 4: World of Balance - Forest Theme
Dungeon 5: World of Balance - Water Theme
Dungeon 6: Shattered Realm - Desert Theme
Dungeon 7: Shattered Realm - Volcanic Theme
Dungeon 8: World of Balance - Ice Theme
Dungeon 9: World of Balance - Dark Tower Theme (Xaun's Castle)

Development Roster
If you are interested in this project, post saying you are and what you're interested in.
1. Zeemis - Overworld
2. Pkmnfrk - Overworld
3. DragonAtma - Overworld
4. Fireblast124 - Overworld
5. Pikaguy900 - Dungeons
6. Luigi1000 - Dungeons
7. Dungeon Slot.
8. Asylum - Houses
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 04:18:34 AM by Zeemis » Logged

Skype: Zemious
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« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2011, 07:55:26 PM »

I personally don't consider myself the best of mappers, but I would like to be on board for this hack. I would be willing to do new underwater areas, new indoor areas, and any new dungeon-work.
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« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2011, 09:04:51 PM »

Added a plot with the help of Pikaguy900.
Added two new members to the roster.
Added overworld layout for the "Shattered Realm".
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 06:37:34 AM by Zeemis » Logged

Skype: Zemious
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What? What are you looking at?

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« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2011, 01:10:55 AM »

I think that I might want to join as a map making person... If there are any spots left...

This is a signature, it is under construction...
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« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2011, 04:17:12 AM »

I'll add you to the roster for overworld development.

Skype: Zemious
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« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2011, 04:12:39 AM »

Update on the world map for the Shattered Realm.

Skype: Zemious
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« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2011, 05:30:17 PM »

I could help with mapping a part of the overworld and maybe a dungeon.
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