WARNING / DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL RELEASE. THIS IS A VERSION MADE BY ME USING THE SOURCE CODE FROM ZOLE 4, AND THIS IS NOT ENDORSED BY LIN. SEE LIN'S POST BELOW.Hello, BigT here, and after about 3 years since the last release, I'm proud to announce a new ZOLE version! Lin was kind enough to hand me the source code for ZOLE 4, so I decided to make ZOLE into something much more beginner-oriented, like I once was. Some of the labels are a bit more descriptive, some layouts have changed, help buttons and Oracle of Ages lists have been added, and
the main window is now maximizable! I only added those things; the rest of the code was entirely by Lin and unaltered by me. This means if you started a hack using ZOLE 4, it should be fully editable in ZOLE 4.5.

Be sure to read the ReadMe for the full feature list and view the credits and help in ZOLE 4.5 itself before starting. Have fun and let me know if anything seems weird or like it shouldn't be there.
Enjoy! Download is below, in case you didn't see it.