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Author Topic: I'm still a little confused on chest editing  (Read 325 times)
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« on: July 06, 2010, 10:19:09 PM »

I've read all the posts concerning chests but I'm still hopelessly confused.  Sad
When I open ZOCF It prompts me to the chest ID, i put in the ID for a level 1 sword, for example, which is 500?
Then it shows me this
Theeen, I type in Y and hit enter, which gives me a code at the bottom saying "0x38 Wrote to 0x594E6"
What exactly is 0x594E6? I didn't even get to choose a chest, what chest is that? Also then, where do X and Y come into this?
I'm really confused, I'm sorry if i"m just nor reading closely or something but any help will be awesome. Thanks.  :confused1:
Edit: I'm just trying to put a chest in the screen where link falls down at, Map 0x106B20(0) X:1 Y:1.. Just testing everything out so I can start on a hack of my own. c:
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 10:21:14 PM by Gerik » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2010, 10:37:22 PM »

...I type in Y and hit enter, which gives me a code at the bottom saying "0x38 Wrote to 0x594E6"
What exactly is 0x594E6? I didn't even get to choose a chest, what chest is that? Also then, where do X and Y come into this?
I'm really confused, I'm sorry if i"m just nor reading closely or something but any help will be awesome. Thanks.  :confused1:...
Thats just the memory or whatever that the thing is written to in the ROM. It doesn't matter what map or what chest you use, all the program does is prevent the ID from freezing when used in a chest. So just use any map you want and make the chest ID 500, and it should work.

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« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2010, 10:42:45 PM »

...I type in Y and hit enter, which gives me a code at the bottom saying "0x38 Wrote to 0x594E6"
What exactly is 0x594E6? I didn't even get to choose a chest, what chest is that? Also then, where do X and Y come into this?
I'm really confused, I'm sorry if i"m just nor reading closely or something but any help will be awesome. Thanks.  :confused1:...
Thats just the memory or whatever that the thing is written to in the ROM. It doesn't matter what map or what chest you use, all the program does is prevent the ID from freezing when used in a chest. So just use any map you want and make the chest ID 500, and it should work.
Shocked Oh, I never knew that, I had the impression that the Chest Fixer created chests for some odd reason. xD
Anyway, now my main question is, how do you make a chest? Is it even possible?
I click on the chest in the palette, and click on the map but all I get is 1 Rupee when I open it, and when I click chest editor, it says "no Chest data found on this map".  Sad

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« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2010, 10:44:07 PM »

Because there isn't chest data associated with that map. There's a tutorial on adding chests in the tutorials section.
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« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2010, 10:54:16 PM »

Because there isn't chest data associated with that map. There's a tutorial on adding chests in the tutorials section.
[strike]Do you mean this one?
It's the only one concerning chests that I see...
Is the only way of adding chests swapping a map with a chest on it?
I'm sorry if I overlooked it, Or I'm not comprehending what's right in front of my face, I'm a complete newb using ZOLE. Sad
And a horrible direction taker. xD [/strike]

EDIT:Thanks guys! thanks to you guys I managed to make a chest appear with a sword in it. Shocked
And I managed to know create chests too, I think I can finally start my own project, but I'll need to test some more stuff.
Thanks for the great program and help. Wink
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 11:06:13 PM by Gerik » Logged

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