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Author Topic: warps  (Read 256 times)
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« on: July 12, 2010, 10:00:49 PM »

Well I need help regarding the warps. You see I've made a warp to enter a house, but then I wanted another entrance in the same overworld "room"( or screen or whatever) and I "moved" the warp I'd made to antoher overworld screen. Then I wanted that same warp back cuz I decided not to have 2 entrances, but now the warp isn't there Sad neither in the screen I made it in or the screen I moved it to. It is possible that i missspelled the screen I moved it to, but then, is there a way I could find it? I know its easy to make a new warp, but my concern is that when I'm almost done with the overwold there will be no warps left, or that there are warp in screens which I dont know about... Is there a way to keep track of all the warps i ZOLE? or anything else that might help you organize the warps? If not then I suggest it'd be done, if possible of course Smiley
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« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2010, 10:43:22 PM »

Now I'm no ZOLE genious but let me know if this works. When you go to the screen where your two warps are, click the edit warp then hit search if no warps appeared. Then click Next Warp (or something along those lines) and there might just be another warp in the room but you have to click that button to access it. :/ I don't know if it will work, but its a suggestion.
Gamma 31
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« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2010, 02:03:45 AM »

I want to reconfigure some warps in the Black Tower, but any connections I make end up sending me to the room just below the top of the tower. That room (thanks to me)has no warp. Is there anything I can do solve this problem?
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