Well I need help regarding the warps. You see I've made a warp to enter a house, but then I wanted another entrance in the same overworld "room"( or screen or whatever) and I "moved" the warp I'd made to antoher overworld screen. Then I wanted that same warp back cuz I decided not to have 2 entrances, but now the warp isn't there

neither in the screen I made it in or the screen I moved it to. It is possible that i missspelled the screen I moved it to, but then, is there a way I could find it? I know its easy to make a new warp, but my concern is that when I'm almost done with the overwold there will be no warps left, or that there are warp in screens which I dont know about... Is there a way to keep track of all the warps i ZOLE? or anything else that might help you organize the warps? If not then I suggest it'd be done, if possible of course