How would it be possible with bigger dungeons? I've looked in the editor and found only 2x256 screens of indoor/dungeon in seasons. I know that both ages and seasons only use like 2-400, but are you saying its possible to increase that?
This question has perhaps been asked before, but I'll ask it anyway. I know some graphics of stuff in season also exist in the ages ROM( Saw some post that a long time ago) and was wondering if one can make it so that one can use for example the lvl2 boomerang in ages?
So what I have to do is to make a new opening, somewhere else ( on the same screen with different cords or just a different screen) and make a warp to hero's cave?
The animal area is normally area ID: 13 but I wanted the bottom-left screen as part of my town, so I changed it to Area-ID:0 ( same as the town, so I would have the same tilesets and colour etc..) but when I tried to enter that screen in-game, the game "crashed" and a screen with the text " this game can only be played on gameboy color" show up.
Is there something I need to do before I can remake the animal area? is so what?
Second question: Is it possible to make you be able to enter hero's cave in "normal" gamemode?
Not sure what you mean, but you can change the area ID for every screen, and that would make the beach be a different area than the ocean, at least it will can have a differet tileset if you want it to
Think you need to change the graphics for link for that and does'nt think Zole can do that. I know there are a few rings in the game that make you look like enemies, not sure tho if one can use all the items and weapons while in this form.
Is'nt there like some ID or something assigned to the signs, that determine which ID of text it should read from? would explain why all signs says the same thing ( they all have the standard ID 0 assigned that read the text "Eternal Spirit It speaks across time to the heart!".