Well, I made this topic to announce something I'd say is pretty important. ZOLE, along with ZOSE, ZOCF, and ZOTE, are all going to be renamed to "ZAxx", meaning Zelda Ages XX. Why is this? Because Seasons is too different and ZOLE has become too big to integrate a whole other game into it.
I don't know when ZOLE will get renamed, although I'm thinking sometime after ZSLE is released. ZSLE (Zelda Seasons Level Editor) will probably get created and worked on soon, and people will be left with Ages for now. None of the tools I've released will work for Seasons, ever. However, an equivalent will be released for Seasons (ZSCF, ZSTE, etc).
Hopefully you all continue to support me. I may bring back
My Blog and you all can follow it if you choose, or be in the IRC as I will discuss my findings and post screenshots there (Look in the Announcements section for IRC information).
Thanks for the support everyone, and happy hacking!
