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Author Topic: ZOLE Team Mode...?  (Read 551 times)
ZOLE Creator
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« on: May 01, 2011, 04:27:42 AM »

Today in the IRC, we were talking about how working together would work. I thought of a "Team" mode, and then I thought of it even more, and I came up with the idea of making it like Google Docs. What would this do? It would make it so 2+ people could have ZOLE open working on the same ROM, and could see what each other person is doing in real-time. It would revolutionize team hacking and make it super duper easy, and cool.

So what do you guys think? The feature would take quite a while to be implemented and probably buggy, but be really cool to have. While being worked on, no other real features would be added, and some things wouldn't be able to be viewed live. I think the only thing that would be showed is map editing and interaction editing. Post your opinions

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« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2011, 01:41:55 PM »

Well the map editing and interaction editing is the majority of the game hacking atm execpt for those who are adding custom scripts into their games so I think if this works out I think that's the onlything that need to be live when working on it. The rest can be relayed when we talk in the irc or whatnot.
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« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2011, 02:57:37 PM »

You know something, I just thought of something that might be cool but maybe hard to do.  If you are loading the rom into a server so both people can edit the game at the same time, what if one loads the editor, and one loads the rom and one can play while the other edits?  I'm thinking Oracle of Assholes where you have to deal with shifting rooms and stuff where the goal is to somehow dodge the traps(each person can't know where the other player is).

Actually that sounds kind or hard because it sounds like you'd have to use ZOLE to edit the ram while the ram is being read.  Or, both load the rom into an emulator, and one plays while the other edits ram.
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