« on: June 14, 2013, 11:14:40 PM » |
When debugging Link's Awakening it is a necessity for me to have a list of memory addresses so I could quickly edit a value if I needed to. Since I am a nice guy I am going to share my list in this post for others to use at their leisure.
Link's Awakening DX Version 1.2 Memory Addresses/Notes:
010033C1 - Walk through walls gameshark code (C133).
Weapon IDs: 01 sword, 02 bombs, 03 power bracelet, 04 shield, 05 bow, 06 hookshot, 07 wand, 08 boots, 09 ocarina 0A feather, 0B shovel, 0C magic powder, 0D boomerang
Memory Addresses:
FF94 - S.O.G Value FF98 - Link's X position FF99 - Link's Y position FFF6 - Current map FFF7 - Current dungeon FFF9 - Side Scrolling bit
C11C - Terrain byte (00 ground, 01, water (swimming), 06 falling) C125 - Direction map was entered from (00 right, 01 left, 02 up, 03 down) C133 - Collision byte (00 for ground)
C3AF - Dropped item ID C45F - Dropped item timer C46F - Dropped item in use bit
D6FB - Crystal switch flag D700-D79B - Tile data for current map *Maps are 10x8, dungeons
D415 - Total number of enemies killed
DB00 - B-Button equipment slot DB01 - A-Button equipment slot DB02-DB0B - Inventory slots
DB5A - Link's current health (0x08 = 1 heart) DB5B - Total number of hearts DB5C - Number of heart pieces DB5D - Number of rupees (Upper int) DB5E - Number of rupees (Lower int) DB90 - Rupee subtraction (Upper int) DB91 - Rupee subtraction (Lower int)
DB65-DB6C - Instrument bytes
DB43 - Bracelet level DB44 - Shield level DB4E - Sword level
DB4C - Number of magic powder DB76 - Carrying capacity of magic powder DB4D - Number of bombs DB77 - Carrying capcity of bombs DB45 - Number of arrows DB78 - Carrying capacity of arrows
DB0C - Flippers DB0D - Number of potions DB0F - Number of secret shells DB15 - Number of golden leaves
DBD0 - Number of small keys DBCC - Dungeon map DBCF - Number of nightmare keys
DBA5 - Indoor/Outdoor byte DB60 - Death dungeon spawn DB61 - Death map spawn DB64 - Death minimap location
DB56 - Chain Chomp following byte DB73 - Marin following byte DB79 - Ghost following byte DB7B - Flying rooster following byte
DB57 - Save slot death count
DBC7 - Invulnerability timer (after getting hit)
DC0F - Tunic equipped (00 green, 01 red, 02, blue) DC10-DC4F - Tileset Palette DC50-DC8F - Sprite/Object Palette D358 - Music
Text Bank Addresses C112 C173 C19F - Bit for Yes/No (0xD)
C505 - Shop Items
Enemy/Sprite RAM:
C20x - Object Y C21x - Object X
C24x - ?? C25x - ??
C28x - Object in use bit
C2Ex - Action timer
C36x - Object health C38x - Object direction C3Ax - Object ID