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Author Topic: Mixed Stuff  (Read 753 times)
ZOLE Creator
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« on: June 29, 2010, 05:00:16 AM »

Well, I've found some things that are used in Seasons in an Ages ROM. Here's a list of the graphics:

-Rod of Seasons (In-use only)
-Subrosians (even dancing)
-Link unconscious as Din finds him
-Link using the Roc's Cape

Those are all in Ages, and I'm sure there's many more. In the weapon graphics, I noticed there are blanks and stuff where Seasons graphics would/could be, like next to the Boomerang. There are a lot of weapons with a black background and white lines going through them. My guess is Black is Transparent and white is another background color, because some weapons don't show and they might use them.

So finally with graphics, something I discovered a while ago is the big font graphics (used in dialogue) appear to not be in the ROM. There is the small font, and Capcom, being the people they are, wrote some sort of code that stretches the characters into big ones. Though, each character has more than two colors, so that probably helps a lot with it.

Now the last mixed thing I found is Seasons-only NPCs that have full AI. These include the dragonflies, and little moths that the Level 3 boss spits out. This gets me thinking: Maybe Ages has the code in it for all bosses or weapons and Capcom just disabled and enabled some. But then I think again, weapons in Seasons have IDs that are used in Ages by something else, so the code would be overwritten. What do you think?

Here's some of the graphics I found and put together (It's really sloppy, but you can see the ones I was talking about earlier).

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« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2010, 05:36:21 AM »

Perhaps with a little tinkering, you could allow Subrosians to appear in different areas of Labyranna.

This is just me, but Jigglysaint could probably unearth something from that.
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« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2010, 11:58:46 PM »

It gets better.  I messed with Seasons and found out that the Mermaid Suit's sprite is in Seasons.  Furthermore, the format used for the dive warps you see in Level 6 and 7 and underwater is used for the trampolines in Seasons.

The presence of the Roc's cape sprite in Ages means that it should be possible to code the Roc's cape in Ages,  The roc's feather would need a place for it's level byte, since it doesn't have one by default.

Edit:  Rosa's sprite is in Ages because she appears during a linked game, same as the Subroians who discover the goron dancing game.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 12:02:12 AM by Jigglysaint » Logged
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« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2010, 06:47:10 AM »

Hmm... looks like it may be possible to import various aspects from either game after all.
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« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2011, 03:24:55 AM »

I also noticed that there are both graphics from ages, but also the use of some item data in seasons. The item data exists but seems disabled when trying to use it. Also for the graphics from ages include link playing the harp, the hook shot, and the mermaid suit as Jiggly mentioned. I will try to see if I can pull some of them out to post here later on. While I know this thread seems the dead I want to know if anyone made any progress with enabling the weapons to cross each game, in specific magnet gloves and roc cape in ages; if not any way to go about making them?

Sorry if I bumped it and it
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« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2011, 04:57:54 PM »

Don't worry about bumping if you've got somthing of value to contribute.  If you are good with graphics, by all means come and lend us a hand.  I'd love to see the Roc's Cape in Ages, and the Mermaid's Suit in Seasons.
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« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2011, 06:25:42 PM »

Ok, thats good then. On my old SMW hacking forum bumping was a bad problem it started becomming a reason for banning people. I am good with zelda graphics and im trying to learn how to use zole with the limimited lists and information I have to work with. If I can help in any way I will.
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« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2011, 02:27:45 AM »

I really hate having to double post but I went through the ages rom and in 10-15 mins I pulled some raw sprites together:

An interesting thing about the data in the rom is that a majority of it is not a complete image its self but it rotates and reflects parts of images which are symmetrical.
The first one and a half rows shows the sprites which the rings which change you into different npc/enemy's and the bullet the octorock shoots and the subrosian dancing from the goron dance when playing an ages linked game. The rest of the sprites on line 2 seem to be the spears that the moblins use/possible idea for arrows?, also it seems that the sprite right next to it reminds me of the fire rod in LA for some reason. Line 3, 4, and first weapon on line 5 are as in this order: Boomerang up/down direction, Lv1 sword, Lv2 sword, Lv3 sword, Lv1 shield, Lv2 shield, Lv3 shield, Rock's feather, Cane of Somaria, Lv2 Power glove, Lv1 Power bracelet, Shovel, Bombs, Switch hook, Bombchu's, Boomerang (again) left/right direction, Seed shooter, Switch hook grabbing heads, Lv 1-3 sword swing animation, Big goron's sword swing animation, Cane of Somaria swing animation, Rod of season's swing animation?, Big goron's sword. Line 5 is some other stuff such as the 3 harp song's icons, link in mermaid suit and something I have no fucking clue what it is as I never saw it before in game and it only has data for 1/2 of it so I assembled it to look like something, It could be a possible target if they planned for arrows or something to hit. I forgot to include the sprite of link jumping with roc's cape now that I think about it.

Now about thoughts about the previous pic posted by lin: The bow exists since we know rosa exists in a linked game and the big mess at the bottom left is the animal companion Ricky but in a jumbled sprite form. The only thing I can
« Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 02:58:07 AM by Luigi1000 » Logged
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« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2011, 07:06:39 PM »

Double posting and "grave-digging" is completely allowed. The only rules I have here are no spamming and flaming.

Anyway, yea, a lot of the sprites just use tile flipping. Luckily, every sprite and animation is (should be) uncompressed. Animations I can understand, but for sprites since they're loaded only once into VRAM I do not know.
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« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2011, 09:09:35 PM »

Well, thats good to know for later on posts. Im still looking around in the rom to see if I can fish up anything new that I might have missed or not noticed before because of my quick attempt which I posted. I will post results once I find something.
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« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2011, 10:00:31 PM »

Cool. You can always hang in the IRC at #zole. I talk about a lot of my findings and it's also a way to get instant-help.
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