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Author Topic: Harp of Ages Songs/Satchel & Shooter Seed List  (Read 349 times)
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« on: January 09, 2012, 07:50:41 AM »

Harp of Ages Songs/Satchel Seed List

Hey all, I made this list basically for people like me who aren't exactly coding geniuses, but I hope that it's useful for some of the more advanced users out there, too.

The purpose of these lists is to let you choose which song to play with your Harp of Ages, or which seed to throw/shoot from your Satchel/Shooter.  Before anything else I have to say thanks to Fatories for his Memory Address List without which I wouldn't have been able to do any of this, and Lin for helping me understand exactly what I was doing a little better.

In the future, I hope to write a guide of my own that will help people to use this list, but it's too complicated and time-consuming to throw into this topic.  The Harp of Ages isn't exactly the easiest of inventory items to get to work perfectly - it's no Roc's Feather!

The List and How It Works

Basically, both the Harp of Ages songs and Seed Satchel/Shooter options are tied to the same memory address, C69E.  Forgive me for using noobish terms, but it's easiest for me to explain the way I understand it in my head.

Anyway, the first number of the byte determines which Harp songs you have access to.  As far as I know, you can only gain new songs in the same order as you normally get them in Oracle of Ages.  These are the numbers to use to switch on/off each new song:

0x/1x: Tune of Echoes
6x/7x: Tune of Echoes, Tune of Currents
Ex/Fx: Tune of Echoes, Tune of Currents, Tune of Ages

The second number in the byte determines which seeds you have access to.  Unlike the harp songs, there are many combinations you can get from this, but (as far as I can tell) you always have to start off with Ember Seeds, probably because you need them in the first dungeon in the original game.  Use these numbers to set different seed combinations (replace 'a' with 0, 6 or E; replace 'b' with 1, 7 or F)

a1: Ember
a3: Ember, Scent
a5: Ember, Pegasus
a7: Ember, Scent, Pegasus
a9: Ember, Gale
aB: Ember, Scent, Gale
aD: Ember, Pegasus, Gale
aF: Ember, Scent, Pegasus, Gale
b1: Ember, Mystery
b3: Ember, Scent, Mystery
b5: Ember, Pegasus, Mystery
b7: Ember, Scent, Pegasus, Mystery
b9: Ember, Gale, Mystery
bB: Ember, Scent, Gale, Mystery
bD: Ember, Pegasus, Gale, Mystery
bF: Ember, Scent, Pegasus, Gale, Mystery

So, as an example of how these would work, changing the byte at memory address C69E to '75' will give you the Tune of Echoes and Tune of Currents, as well as Ember, Pegasus and Mystery Seeds available.  If you wanted to use this in a script, the code line:
setmemory C69E 75
...  Will accomplish this task.  See the attached image below for a preview of what your menus would look like with these settings.

I hope this has been helpful - once again credits go to Fatories and Lin for their guides and help in figuring this out.
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« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2012, 07:07:06 AM »

Great work,you have made really a well list with lot of details.

Hacking Guru
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« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2012, 07:14:37 PM »

It appears as if each song/seed is a bit value.
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